Business and Management INK

SAGE @ AoM 2013!
Business and Management INK
August 9, 2013

SAGE @ AoM 2013!

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Key To Engaging Customers? Their Networks
Business and Management INK
August 7, 2013

Key To Engaging Customers? Their Networks

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Why It Pays To Use An Accountant
Business and Management INK
August 6, 2013

Why It Pays To Use An Accountant

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Three Steps To Move HRD Forward
Business and Management INK
August 5, 2013

Three Steps To Move HRD Forward

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Book Review Essay: Raj Patel

Book Review Essay: Raj Patel

Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Raj Patel. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House. 2007. 398pp. US$19.95 pb. The […]

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What’s Wrong With Leadership Development?

What’s Wrong With Leadership Development?

Are leadership development specialists missing the forest for the trees? An article in Advances in Developing Human Resources finds that instead of […]

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Where Are the Marketing Ethics Courses?

Where Are the Marketing Ethics Courses?

Many of the challenges facing today’s businesses — such as advertising claims, consumer protection, and product quality — are marketing ethics issues. […]

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Grad Rates: It’s About the Students

Grad Rates: It’s About the Students

How can we improve college graduation rates? According to a study recently published in SAGE Open , we’ve been searching for that […]

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10 Ways Our Civil Liberties Might Be Changing

10 Ways Our Civil Liberties Might Be Changing

What will freedom in the U.S. look like in the coming century? A new article in World Future Review offers ten plausible […]

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Don’t Let Your Best Employees Get Away

Don’t Let Your Best Employees Get Away

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Professor Wendy Marcinkus Murphy of Babson College. She and co-authors James P. Burton of Northern […]

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Is Your Team Using Its Biggest Resource?

Is Your Team Using Its Biggest Resource?

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Michael R. Baumann of The University of Texas at San Antonio and Bryan L. Bonner […]

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Book Review: Hedge Fund Activism in Japan

Book Review: Hedge Fund Activism in Japan

John Buchanan, Dominic Heesang Chai, and Simon Deakin: Hedge Fund Activism in Japan: The Limits of Shareholder Primacy. New York: Cambridge University […]

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