Business and Management INK

Is There a Strategic Organization in the Behavioral Theory of the Firm? Looking Back and Looking Forward
Business and Management INK
March 31, 2023

Is There a Strategic Organization in the Behavioral Theory of the Firm? Looking Back and Looking Forward

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The Rollercoaster of Eco-anxiety: Acknowledging Both Hope and Despair in the Classroom
Business and Management INK
March 28, 2023

The Rollercoaster of Eco-anxiety: Acknowledging Both Hope and Despair in the Classroom

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Sales Promotions and Restrictions: Customers Want the Bad News First
Business and Management INK
March 24, 2023

Sales Promotions and Restrictions: Customers Want the Bad News First

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Why is it So Hard to Address Racism and Islamophobia in France?
Business and Management INK
March 20, 2023

Why is it So Hard to Address Racism and Islamophobia in France?

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The Positive Aspects of Silence in Team Meetings

The Positive Aspects of Silence in Team Meetings

Authors Miikka J. Lehtonen and Valérie M. Saintot argue that we need more refined methodological approaches for studying silence

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Did Customer-Salesperson Interactions Change During COVID?

Did Customer-Salesperson Interactions Change During COVID?

During the pandemic, sales manager Claire Cardy noticed that the dynamics of customer-salesperson interactions had somehow changed. Cardy decided to explore what was happening and why.

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Measuring Multidimensional Precarious Employment of Women: A View From Spain

Measuring Multidimensional Precarious Employment of Women: A View From Spain

Inés P Murillo-Huertas, Raúl Ramos, Hipólito Simón, and Raquel Simón-Albert reflect on their paper, “Is multidimensional precarious employment higher for women?” recently published in the Journal of Industrial Relations.

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Positive Management Practices as Cornerstone for a Sustainable Transformation

Positive Management Practices as Cornerstone for a Sustainable Transformation

Martin Becker discusses how positive management practices can improve employee well-being and attract talent in highly competitive labor markets.

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Business Schools are Ignoring Students’ Changing Aspirations. They Must Focus on Management as a Calling

Business Schools are Ignoring Students’ Changing Aspirations. They Must Focus on Management as a Calling

Andrew Hoffman writes that business schools are slow to respond to students’ changing ideals, sticking to a heavy emphasis on 50-year-old notions of shareholder primacy and a “greed is good” mentality. He proposes a different business school model that emphasizes management as a calling.

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A Personal Reflection on Strategic Organization — the Journal (and Field) That Almost Wasn’t

A Personal Reflection on Strategic Organization — the Journal (and Field) That Almost Wasn’t

Joel Baum at the University of Toronto discusses the origin story of the journal Strategic Organization in his paper, “Constructing Strategic Organization – A field whose time has come,” published in … Strategic Organization.

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The Benefits of Industry Inputs into University Teaching?

The Benefits of Industry Inputs into University Teaching?

Universities do a great job of enabling their students to gain in-depth knowledge in core degree disciplines. An academic degree also demonstrates a student’s ability to learn to potential employers. This is an increasingly important attribute in an ever-changing world where job, careers and whole industries may come and go over the course of a lifetime.

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Social Inequality Examined Via Soda Consumption Among Youth

Social Inequality Examined Via Soda Consumption Among Youth

P. Christopher Palmedo, a clinical professor of community health and social sciences at the City University of New York, discusses “Exploring Countermarketing Messages to Reduce Youth Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in The Bronx, NY,” which he, Samantha Flores, Kalya Castillo, Moria Byrne-Zaaloff and Kelly Moltzen saw published in Social Marketing Quarterly.

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