Business and Management INK

How Chinese Nationalism Impacts Foreign Brands
Business and Management INK
October 3, 2012

How Chinese Nationalism Impacts Foreign Brands

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Want to Spread Your Message on Facebook?
Business and Management INK
October 1, 2012

Want to Spread Your Message on Facebook?

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Book Review: Sociology of the Financial Crisis
September 30, 2012

Book Review: Sociology of the Financial Crisis

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Want to Build Better Customer Relationships?
Business and Management INK
September 29, 2012

Want to Build Better Customer Relationships?

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How Did 9/11, Financial Crisis Affect Hotel Performance?

How Did 9/11, Financial Crisis Affect Hotel Performance?

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Dr. Renáta Kosová and Dr. Cathy A. Enz, both of Cornell University, who published “The […]

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Are 401(k) Plans a Failure?

Are 401(k) Plans a Failure?

The Wall Street Journal observed this week that as baby boomers face an unemployment crisis, a growing number of younger workers are […]

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Don’t Take This the Wrong Way, But…

Don’t Take This the Wrong Way, But…

It’s inevitable: social hierarchy is a defining feature of organizations, and individuals use subtle communication behaviors to assert themselves and advance within […]

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American Health Care, Transformed

American Health Care, Transformed

In the latest issue of Administrative Science Quarterly, W. Chad Carlos of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management reviewed “Social Movements […]

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Breaking the Cross-Cultural Knowledge Barrier

Breaking the Cross-Cultural Knowledge Barrier

Dr. Nigel J. Holden, author of “Cross-Cultural Management: A Knowledge Management Perspective” (Financial Times Management, 2001), spoke recently with Jeffrey Gale and […]

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What Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers Want

What Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers Want

What do Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers have in common? The desire for a more flexible workplace, according to a study […]

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Mental Weight Lifting for Business Students

Mental Weight Lifting for Business Students

If you’ve read the news this week about declining MBA applications, you’ll likely welcome a fresh perspective on business education. Dr. Jennifer […]

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Cracking the Ethics Code

Cracking the Ethics Code

As organizations’ ethical failures continue to pile up in the news headlines, there is no better moment to get a firm grasp on […]

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