Business and Management INK

Wanted: Asia-Pacific Tourism Research
Business and Management INK
July 28, 2012

Wanted: Asia-Pacific Tourism Research

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The Hidden Costs of Downsizing?
Business and Management INK
July 27, 2012

The Hidden Costs of Downsizing?

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How Powerful Leaders Communicate Their Visions
Business and Management INK
July 26, 2012

How Powerful Leaders Communicate Their Visions

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Where Is Change Research Getting Us?
Business and Management INK
July 25, 2012

Where Is Change Research Getting Us?

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Real Facts, Real Issues: Role-Play in the Management Classroom

Real Facts, Real Issues: Role-Play in the Management Classroom

It’s not every management course that has students requesting an exam, explaining that they want to come to class prepared to reap […]

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Will the New CEO Create Change?

Will the New CEO Create Change?

When a new CEO is appointed, how does his or her newness influence strategic changes? Does prior experience matter? David H. Weng […]

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Multicultural Shared Leadership: A Conceptual Model

Multicultural Shared Leadership: A Conceptual Model

Alex J. Ramthun and Gina S. Matkin, both of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, published “Multicultural Shared Leadership: A Conceptual Model of […]

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At What Level (and in Whom) We Trust

At What Level (and in Whom) We Trust

“For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest that holds human associations together.” –H.L. Mencken Forbes recently reported that trust […]

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Stealthy Footsteps to the Boardroom

Stealthy Footsteps to the Boardroom

The Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) Editor’s Choice Collections highlight recent articles on some of the central topics in organization studies covered in […]

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Women and Work-Life Balance

Women and Work-Life Balance

Shortly after Marissa Mayer’s appointment this week as CEO of Yahoo, news of her pregnancy opened a new chapter in the work-life […]

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Visionary Ambiguity and Strategic Change

Visionary Ambiguity and Strategic Change

When is ambiguity in business a positive thing? When it enables leaders to effectively initiate strategic change. The Journal of Management Inquiry […]

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Thoughts and Feelings About Organizational Change

Thoughts and Feelings About Organizational Change

The change process is “not just thought out but also is ‘felt out,’” according to an article in the Journal of Leadership […]

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