
Your Data Likely Isn’t Best Served in a Pie Chart
January 16, 2024

Your Data Likely Isn’t Best Served in a Pie Chart

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Research Integrity Should Not Mean Its Weaponization
January 11, 2024

Research Integrity Should Not Mean Its Weaponization

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What Do We Know about Plagiarism These Days?
January 10, 2024

What Do We Know about Plagiarism These Days?

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When University Decolonization in Canada Mends Relationships with Indigenous Nations and Lands
Higher Education Reform
January 9, 2024

When University Decolonization in Canada Mends Relationships with Indigenous Nations and Lands

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Did Turing Miss the Point? Should He Have Thought of the Limerick Test?

Did Turing Miss the Point? Should He Have Thought of the Limerick Test?

David Canter is horrified by the power of readily available large language technology.

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The Social Sciences Are Under Attack in Higher Education

The Social Sciences Are Under Attack in Higher Education

The social sciences have been a consistent target for political operatives around the United States in recent years., and recent actions at the state level have opened a new front in the long-running conflict.

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Prototype Database Explores Economic Impact of Investing in Emerging Technologies

Prototype Database Explores Economic Impact of Investing in Emerging Technologies

A new project from the National Science Foundation and partners including the Social Science Research Council will examine the economic impact of NSF’s new technology directorate.

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New Dataset Collects Instances of ‘Contentious Politics’ Around the World

New Dataset Collects Instances of ‘Contentious Politics’ Around the World

The European Research Center is funding the Global Contentious Politics Dataset, or GLOCON, a state-of-the-art automated database curating information on political events — including confrontations, political turbulence, strikes, rallies, and protests

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Philip Rubin: FABBS’ Accidental Essential Man Linking Research and Policy

Philip Rubin: FABBS’ Accidental Essential Man Linking Research and Policy

As he stands down from a two-year stint as the president of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, or FABBS, Social Science Space took the opportunity to download a fraction of the experiences of cognitive psychologist Philip Rubin, especially his experiences connecting science and policy.

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New Tool Empowers Researchers to Uncover Their Policy Impact

New Tool Empowers Researchers to Uncover Their Policy Impact

Sage 337 Impact

Sage Policy Profiles lets researchers easily see specific citations of their work in policy documents and then illustrate and share that work’s impact graphically.

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Jonathan Breckon On Knowledge Brokerage and Influencing Policy

Jonathan Breckon On Knowledge Brokerage and Influencing Policy

Overton spoke with Jonathan Breckon to learn about knowledge brokerage, influencing policy and the potential for technology and data to streamline the research-policy interface.

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10 Tips for Pitching Your Research to Reach Policy Makers

10 Tips for Pitching Your Research to Reach Policy Makers

These 10 tips will help you build your brand and the reach of your scholarship, with the goal of finding your position within the wider context of your research area and leveraging change.

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