
Excerpt from ‘What’s Wrong with Social Science and How to Fix It’
International Debate
September 17, 2020

Excerpt from ‘What’s Wrong with Social Science and How to Fix It’

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What Research Made the Most Impact 10 Years Later?
April 29, 2020

What Research Made the Most Impact 10 Years Later?

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Social Science Ahead of the (Shallow) Curve on Altmetrics Acceptance
May 3, 2019

Social Science Ahead of the (Shallow) Curve on Altmetrics Acceptance

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Criticisms of the Citation System, and Google Scholar in Particular
March 20, 2019

Criticisms of the Citation System, and Google Scholar in Particular

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How Google Scholar Judges Research

How Google Scholar Judges Research

Louis Coiffait’s third article in his series on impact looks at the system of citation metrics, in particular Google Scholar.

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Between the Public Good and Private Pursuits

Between the Public Good and Private Pursuits

We need more research that analyzes the relationship between university rankings, citation indexes, and academic publishers, argues Michelle L. Stack.

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The Art of Referencing in Scholarly Articles

The Art of Referencing in Scholarly Articles

The reference section of an academic work is more complex than you might think. The references not only provide validity to one’s […]

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Freeing Biz School from the Blah-Blah-Blahs

Freeing Biz School from the Blah-Blah-Blahs

The eternal conflict between the abstract and the applicable haunts the halls of many business schools. One way to help close the gap between research and practice is to re-examine how ‘impact’ is measured in the field.

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There IS Value in Adding to an Edited Collection!

There IS Value in Adding to an Edited Collection!

Routledge’s Terry Clague sheds reasonable doubt on the assertion that contributing to edited book chapters is”akin to burying your research.”

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Should Self-Citation Count?

Should Self-Citation Count?

There has been much discussion over how useful citation metrics, like Google Scholar’s H-index, really are and to what extent they can be gamed. Specifically there appears to be concern over the practice of self-citation as it varies widely between disciplines. So what should academics make of self-citations? Referring back to our Handbook on Maximising the Impact of Your Research, the Public Policy Group assess the key issues and advise that self-citations by researchers and teams are a perfectly legitimate and relevant aspect of disciplinary practice. But individuals should take care to ensure their own self-citation rate is not above the average for their particular discipline.

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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Metric?

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Metric?

This Monday marks the end of the open consultation for HEFCE’s Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment. Steve Fuller argues that academics, especially interdisciplinary scholars, should welcome the opportunity to approach the task of citation differently.

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Referencing References to Reduce Publication Errors

Referencing References to Reduce Publication Errors

Every now and again a paper is published on the number of errors made in academic articles.  These papers document the frequency of conceptual errors, factual errors, errors in abstracts, errors in quotations, and errors in reference lists. James Hartley reports that the data are alarming, but suggests a possible way of reducing them. Perhaps in future there might be a single computer program that matches references in the text with correct (pre-stored) references as one writes the text.

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