
Science’s Communication Problem
July 11, 2023

Science’s Communication Problem

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The Role of Rhetorical Casuistry in China’s Capitalist Transformation
Business and Management INK
April 26, 2023

The Role of Rhetorical Casuistry in China’s Capitalist Transformation

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At Its Core, Changing Consumer Behavior Requires Empathy
December 15, 2020

At Its Core, Changing Consumer Behavior Requires Empathy

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Connective Consumption? Lockdown Life is Restructuring the Ways We Socialize
November 19, 2020

Connective Consumption? Lockdown Life is Restructuring the Ways We Socialize

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Illustrating the Intricacies of Team Communication

Illustrating the Intricacies of Team Communication

Illustrating communication and conversation in organizational teams is easier than it seems–all you need is a ball of string. The recent Management Teaching […]

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How to Recover Customer Trust After Unsatisfactory Service

How to Recover Customer Trust After Unsatisfactory Service

[We’re pleased to welcome Kenny Basso of IMED Business School. Kenny recently published an article in Journal of Service Research, entitled “Trust […]

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How Fortune 500 Companies Maximize Web Presence

How Fortune 500 Companies Maximize Web Presence

The online presence of corporations has become increasingly important in the digital age, not only in terms of where corporations are listed […]

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Tension Between Generations Points to a Shift Away from Masculine Organizations

Tension Between Generations Points to a Shift Away from Masculine Organizations

[We’re pleased to welcome Kristen Lucas of University of Louisville. Kristen recently published an article in Journal of Management Inquiry, entitled “Generational […]

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Meetings and Team Management: Are traditional meetings still relevant in today’s tech-driven world?

Meetings and Team Management: Are traditional meetings still relevant in today’s tech-driven world?

Not for nothing are so many “Dilbert” comic strips set in meetings. Notorious for wasting  time, dulling motivation and draining creativity, meetings are […]

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How Leaders Succeed and Fail at Communicating Change to Subordinates

How Leaders Succeed and Fail at Communicating Change to Subordinates

[We’re pleased to welcome Timothy Hartge of University of Michigan-Dearborn, who co-authored an article published in International Journal of Business Communication, entitled […]

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A Visual Approach to Professional Communication

A Visual Approach to Professional Communication

[We’re pleased to welcome Deborah C. Andrews of University of Delaware, author of the article “Making the Familiar Strange: Thinking Visually in […]

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How Do Aggressive Communication Traits Impact Organizational Assimilation?

How Do Aggressive Communication Traits Impact Organizational Assimilation?

[We’re pleased to welcome Michael Sollitto of Texas A&M University. Dr. Sollitto recently published an article in International Journal of Business Communication […]

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