Consumer Behavior

Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions
Business and Management INK
August 6, 2023

Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions

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Beyond Human – Everyday Bots and AI
International Debate
March 22, 2021

Beyond Human – Everyday Bots and AI

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Overconsumption or a Move Towards Minimalism?
March 15, 2021

Overconsumption or a Move Towards Minimalism?

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Spaces that Work for Us
Science & Social Science
March 8, 2021

Spaces that Work for Us

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Consumption and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Consumption and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying at home has completely changed our buying behaviors. Consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated our technological advancement and reliance on […]

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Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction

Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction

When was the last time you went out for a Thai meal, got items from the ethnic isle of a supermarket, wore […]

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Consumption Does Not Equate to Happiness

Consumption Does Not Equate to Happiness

We all want stuff, but in our overdeveloped, fast-paced culture we seldom challenge ourselves to ask ourselves the one important question: how much is enough?

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Gift Giving, Gift Returning – The Unexpected Emotions Behind Receiving an Unwanted Gift

Gift Giving, Gift Returning – The Unexpected Emotions Behind Receiving an Unwanted Gift

Is it possible that the experience of receiving gifts we do not like can take a toll on our mental well-being? Is […]

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Online Christmas Shopping and Gift Giving as a Form of Retail Therapy?

Online Christmas Shopping and Gift Giving as a Form of Retail Therapy?

The coronavirus Christmas of 2020 could turn into a bumper year for giving gifts. Our relationship with spending and the festive cheer […]

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At Its Core, Changing Consumer Behavior Requires Empathy

At Its Core, Changing Consumer Behavior Requires Empathy

Just as the current pandemic illuminates society’s pre-existing challenges, so too it shapes our behavior, changing the ways we interact, shop and consume.

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Do Consumers Avoid Genetically Modified Wines?

Do Consumers Avoid Genetically Modified Wines?

[We’re pleased to welcome Christina Chi of Washington State University. Christina recently published an article in Cornell Hospitality Quarterly entitled “Ready to Embrace […]

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Diversify and Conquer: An Argument for Reinvigorating Marketing Science with Behavioral Science and Humanities

Diversify and Conquer: An Argument for Reinvigorating Marketing Science with Behavioral Science and Humanities

[We’re pleased to welcome Gerald Zaltman of Harvard Business School and Olson Zaltman Associates. Dr. Zaltman recently published an article in Cornell […]

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