
Coronavirus UK: Self-Isolation Must Not Mean Self-Imprisonment
March 15, 2020

Coronavirus UK: Self-Isolation Must Not Mean Self-Imprisonment

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Don’t Tell Me ‘Don’t Panic …’
March 12, 2020

Don’t Tell Me ‘Don’t Panic …’

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How Coronavirus Became a Political Problem
March 12, 2020

How Coronavirus Became a Political Problem

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Instantly Shifting Classes Online Is Not Trivial
March 11, 2020

Instantly Shifting Classes Online Is Not Trivial

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Status List of 2020 Social Science Conference Cancellations

Status List of 2020 Social Science Conference Cancellations

Status List of 2020 Social and Behavioral Science Conferences Amid concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus and its accompanying disease, […]

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Coronavirus, Wuhan, and Social Science

Coronavirus, Wuhan, and Social Science

As a social scientist in globalization studies, I am interested in the role some of the less visible layers of globalization — such as awareness of our connections with the lives of people elsewhere — have in shaping our responses, including emotional responses, to global threats, like this one and those to come…

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