
Seminar Links Social and Behavioral Insights on COVID with Policy
September 17, 2020

Seminar Links Social and Behavioral Insights on COVID with Policy

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In Response to ‘COVID-19 Forces Universities to Refocus their Vision’
September 9, 2020

In Response to ‘COVID-19 Forces Universities to Refocus their Vision’

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Heidi Larson on Vaccine Skepticism
Social Science Bites
September 7, 2020

Heidi Larson on Vaccine Skepticism

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Social Sciences SHAPE up to Benefit a Post-Pandemic World
September 2, 2020

Social Sciences SHAPE up to Benefit a Post-Pandemic World

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COVID-19 Forces Universities to Refocus their Vision

COVID-19 Forces Universities to Refocus their Vision

After a rapid switch to distance education due to COVID-19, many universities will remain as virtual campuses in the coming fall semester. For many universities, the focus has been on mastering or refining techniques for remote teaching. But a larger challenge looms.

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Open Letter Defends Social Science, Humanities in Wake of Pandemic

Open Letter Defends Social Science, Humanities in Wake of Pandemic

This week, almost 60 learned societies, associations and higher-education serving groups signed onto an open letter that argues “humanistic education and scholarship must remain central to campus communities and conversations.”

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Beyond Illness: COVID-19 is Hurting Women In Academia

Beyond Illness: COVID-19 is Hurting Women In Academia

Women are facing additional constraints as a result of COVID-19. These range from the added burdens and responsibilities of working from home, through to the fact that fewer women scientists are being quoted as experts on COVID-19, all the way to far fewer women being part of the cohort producing new knowledge on the pandemic.

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Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking

Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking

The management of the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the hollowness of that alternative in policies that have been made by people with very narrow life experiences and imposed on others with whom there is, as Disraeli once said, ‘no intercourse and no sympathy’.

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Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

Having locked ourselves into a particular way of thinking and acting in relation to COVID-19, argues Robert Dingwall, it is very difficult for this to be questioned – but it must not go unchallenged if we are to balance the moral goals of medicine with the other moral goals that make up a good society.

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Let’s Learn From COVID – Universities Should Rethink the Exam

Let’s Learn From COVID – Universities Should Rethink the Exam

As universities start to imagine a post-pandemic future, they are faced with a choice – to simply return to the way things were, or embrace this opportunity to change assessment for good.

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Coronavirus UK – A Nasty Infection But Let’s Have a Sense of Proportion

Coronavirus UK – A Nasty Infection But Let’s Have a Sense of Proportion

Of course the government should have a Plan B for a second wave. But this might also be a moment to ask where pandemic management is taking us.

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National Academies Taps Social Science Expertise for Policy-Maker Use

National Academies Taps Social Science Expertise for Policy-Maker Use

While hopes for a medical answer to the current COVID-19 remain strong, the reality is that social, behavioral and economic science drives […]

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