Covid and Consumption

Changing our Coping Strategies Amidst COVID-19 Living
March 31, 2021

Changing our Coping Strategies Amidst COVID-19 Living

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‘That’s an Idea Worth exploring’: Age-friendly Initiatives and Death-Friendly Communities
Public Policy
March 29, 2021

‘That’s an Idea Worth exploring’: Age-friendly Initiatives and Death-Friendly Communities

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Beyond Human – Everyday Bots and AI
International Debate
March 22, 2021

Beyond Human – Everyday Bots and AI

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The COVID-19 Mental Health Curve
International Debate
March 22, 2021

The COVID-19 Mental Health Curve

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Overconsumption or a Move Towards Minimalism?

Overconsumption or a Move Towards Minimalism?

(Over)consumption, climate change and working from home. These are a few of the concerns at the forefront of consumers’ minds and three […]

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SSRC Report Tackles COVID-Driven Growing Data Economy

SSRC Report Tackles COVID-Driven Growing Data Economy

In a time of crisis, it might seem like a necessity to share your data in the hopes it might help solve […]

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Spaces that Work for Us

Spaces that Work for Us

Changes in our daily habits have been as simple as no longer buying our morning cup of joe on the way to […]

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Consumption and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Consumption and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying at home has completely changed our buying behaviors. Consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated our technological advancement and reliance on […]

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Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction

Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction

When was the last time you went out for a Thai meal, got items from the ethnic isle of a supermarket, wore […]

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Consumption Does Not Equate to Happiness

Consumption Does Not Equate to Happiness

We all want stuff, but in our overdeveloped, fast-paced culture we seldom challenge ourselves to ask ourselves the one important question: how much is enough?

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Instagram Redesigns for Shopping

Instagram Redesigns for Shopping

Recently, when I opened Instagram, I noticed that the usual spot for checking notifications is now a Shop tab. The Instagram blog […]

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Gift Giving, Gift Returning – The Unexpected Emotions Behind Receiving an Unwanted Gift

Gift Giving, Gift Returning – The Unexpected Emotions Behind Receiving an Unwanted Gift

Is it possible that the experience of receiving gifts we do not like can take a toll on our mental well-being? Is […]

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