Connective Consumption? Lockdown Life is Restructuring the Ways We Socialize
November 19, 2020

Connective Consumption? Lockdown Life is Restructuring the Ways We Socialize

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Marketing Opportunities and the Commercialization of Social Sciences
November 16, 2020

Marketing Opportunities and the Commercialization of Social Sciences

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The Coffin Cure: Why Vaccine Regulation Matters
Public Policy
October 8, 2020

The Coffin Cure: Why Vaccine Regulation Matters

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A New, Technological ‘Normal’ in the Wake of COVID-19 and Online University
October 7, 2020

A New, Technological ‘Normal’ in the Wake of COVID-19 and Online University

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Should Doctors Be in Charge of Pandemic Policy?

Should Doctors Be in Charge of Pandemic Policy?

or 30 years, social scientists have been trying to educate scientific elites in the value of taking ordinary people with them rather than dismissing skepticism about science-based actions. This work has just gone out the window, argues Robert Dingwall.

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In Response to ‘COVID-19 Forces Universities to Refocus their Vision’

In Response to ‘COVID-19 Forces Universities to Refocus their Vision’

From the budding sense of a tight-knit community of fellow students and faculty, to radio silence, for a lot of students the rapid coronavirus-driven shift to a digital university experience doesn’t feel like enough. I am one of those students — a current graduate student who recently moved back home to America to finish up the last year of a dual-degree program.

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Webinar Looks at How to Encourage COVID-19 Protective Behaviors

Webinar Looks at How to Encourage COVID-19 Protective Behaviors

How can leaders encourage their community to adopt COVID-19 protective behaviors? This upcoming webinar will discuss promising strategies from the behavioral and […]

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Common Identity, Humanity, and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Common Identity, Humanity, and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

“Wearing a mask is a sign of respect.” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, May 12th 2020 In the first chapter of this […]

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Prejudice, Discrimination, and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Prejudice, Discrimination, and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

For the people that are now out of work because of the important and necessary containment policies, for instance the shutting down […]

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Inequality and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Inequality and COVID-19: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Social distancing is a privilege. It means you live in a house large enough to practice it. Hand washing is a privilege […]

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Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking

Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking

The management of the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the hollowness of that alternative in policies that have been made by people with very narrow life experiences and imposed on others with whom there is, as Disraeli once said, ‘no intercourse and no sympathy’.

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Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

Having locked ourselves into a particular way of thinking and acting in relation to COVID-19, argues Robert Dingwall, it is very difficult for this to be questioned – but it must not go unchallenged if we are to balance the moral goals of medicine with the other moral goals that make up a good society.

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