
The LSE Big Questions Lecture 2011: Organized Common Sense
December 29, 2011

The LSE Big Questions Lecture 2011: Organized Common Sense

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Economics blogs impact positively on paper downloads and professional reputation : stand to exert an influence on policy.
December 9, 2011

Economics blogs impact positively on paper downloads and professional reputation : stand to exert an influence on policy.

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My social science career: Interview with Elinor Ostrom
November 17, 2011

My social science career: Interview with Elinor Ostrom

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The Low-Carbon Industrial Revolution
International Debate
April 21, 2011

The Low-Carbon Industrial Revolution

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Britain: a country divided?

Britain: a country divided?

John Hills, professor of social policy at LSE, and Dr Polly Vizard gave another lecture in the LSE Works series on Thursday, […]

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Best Ideas: can fund managers beat the market?

Best Ideas: can fund managers beat the market?

LSE Works is a lecture series sponsored by SAGE. In this session, Christopher Polk gave a discussion on the efficiency of the stock […]

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Where is future growth going to come from?

Where is future growth going to come from?

On February 17, 2011, Professor John Van Reenen gave a lecture on the future of economic growth in Britain, continuing the LSE […]

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Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

“Impacts of the World Recession and Economic Crisis on Tourism: North America”, by J.R. Brent Ritchie of the University of Calgary, Alberta, […]

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How did London get away with it? The recession and the north-south divide

How did London get away with it? The recession and the north-south divide

Henry G Overman, professor of economic geography at LSE and director of the Spatial Economics Research Centre Last week was the first […]

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The Rise of Economics and the Fall of Social Psychology

The Rise of Economics and the Fall of Social Psychology

Inevitably, over time, there are peaks and troughs within the fortunes of different social science disciplines depending on how closely they find […]

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