
Labor Economics and May Day throughout the Year
Business and Management INK
May 6, 2016

Labor Economics and May Day throughout the Year

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The American Economist Is Now Online!
Business and Management INK
March 18, 2016

The American Economist Is Now Online!

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Behavioral Science May Hold Some Keys to Climate Change
Public Policy
February 29, 2016

Behavioral Science May Hold Some Keys to Climate Change

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Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Ian Quigg
January 26, 2016

Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Ian Quigg

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What Does Social Science Predict for the Powerball Winner?

What Does Social Science Predict for the Powerball Winner?

The answer sadly, is ruin. But if you’ve already beaten the odds once, maybe you can do so again …

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A New Front in the Replication Wars: Economics

A New Front in the Replication Wars: Economics

A sense of crisis is developing in economics after two Federal Reserve economists came to the alarming conclusion that economics research is usually not replicable.

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The American Economist is Now Accepting Submissions!

The American Economist is Now Accepting Submissions!

You can now submit electronically to The American Economist through SAGE Track! As an official publication of Omicron Delta Epsilon, The International […]

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Book Review: The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century?

Book Review: The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century?

The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century? Edited by Dan Breznitz, John Zysman . Oxford, UK and […]

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Bridge-building Economist Angus Deaton Wins Nobel

Bridge-building Economist Angus Deaton Wins Nobel

The Nobel committee has awarded Princeton’s Angus Deaton ‘for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare.’ But in fact, he was awarded for building bridges – between disciplines, between theory and reality, between people.

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How Has Retailing Evolved?

How Has Retailing Evolved?

From general stores to department stores and superstores, retailing has undergone significant changes in the past two centuries. In their article “The […]

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Introducing the New Editor of Journal of Sports Economics!

Introducing the New Editor of Journal of Sports Economics!

We’re pleased to welcome the new editor of Journal of Sports Economics, Dennis Coates! Dr. Coates graciously provided us with some information […]

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Book Review: Bruce Kogut (ed.): The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance

Book Review: Bruce Kogut (ed.): The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance

Bruce Kogut (ed.): The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. 388 pp. $42.00, hardcover. You can read the […]

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