
University Rankings Distract From Higher-Education Reform
Higher Education Reform
September 13, 2019

University Rankings Distract From Higher-Education Reform

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The World is Due a Revolution in Economics
June 12, 2019

The World is Due a Revolution in Economics

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Diane Reay on Education and Class
September 4, 2018

Diane Reay on Education and Class

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Benefits of Transdisciplinary PhD Programs
March 14, 2018

Benefits of Transdisciplinary PhD Programs

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‘Coding’ in School? Research Needed So Computing Accessible to All Children

‘Coding’ in School? Research Needed So Computing Accessible to All Children

Sue Sentance, senior lecturer in computer science education at King’s College London, explains some of the changes that have been happening in school around ICT and computing and calls for interdisciplinary research to explore how to make the subject accessible to all children.

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Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics

Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics

There’s a lot of myths that get in the way of learning maths, says Stanford University’s Jo Boaler, and her research not only topples conventional wisdom but gives solid ways of allowing everyone to harness their inherent ability to excel at mathematics.

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Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Jean Stockard and Tim Wood looked at the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse and asked a very similar question – does this work? They found that the answer is often no, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

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Seeking a Better Way to Evaluate Teachers

Seeking a Better Way to Evaluate Teachers

Teacher observations are both costly and time intensive, but perhaps it’s time to invest in better teacher evaluation to get better student results. So argues Robert Pianta, who has personally helped develop some measures that might achieve such high hopes, in a an article in the journal PIBBS..

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Protecting Students’ Intellectual Property

Protecting Students’ Intellectual Property

[We’re pleased to welcome Sarah Wright of the University of Canterbury. Sarah recently published an article in Journal of Management Education entitled […]

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Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries

Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries

[We’re pleased to welcome Nuria Rodriguez-Planas. Nuria published an article in ILR Review in March  2015, entitled “A Road Map to Vocational […]

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Award-Winning Journal of Management Education Article on Business Studios

Award-Winning Journal of Management Education Article on Business Studios

We are pleased to congratulate Stefan Meisiek of University of Sydney and Daved Barry of Jönköping International Business School , who received […]

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Pinterest as a Social Tool for the Classroom

Pinterest as a Social Tool for the Classroom

As a social media site, Pinterest has long been used as a tool for sharing planning, brainstorming, and inspiration. The site has […]

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