
Pandemic-Related Disruptions and Perceptions: How They Matter for Entrepreneurship
Business and Management INK
December 23, 2021

Pandemic-Related Disruptions and Perceptions: How They Matter for Entrepreneurship

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Should I Stay or Should I ‘Found’? Insights on Venturing Motives and Venturing Types in the Family Business Context
Business and Management INK
December 17, 2021

Should I Stay or Should I ‘Found’? Insights on Venturing Motives and Venturing Types in the Family Business Context

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A Behind the Scenes Look at an Award-Winning Paper on Entrepreneurship
November 15, 2021

A Behind the Scenes Look at an Award-Winning Paper on Entrepreneurship

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Entrepreneurs: Don’t Mess With Your Close Social Ties
Business and Management INK
October 22, 2021

Entrepreneurs: Don’t Mess With Your Close Social Ties

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Different Strokes on Transgenerational Entrepreneurship

Different Strokes on Transgenerational Entrepreneurship

The article “Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Roles of Religion and Tradition for Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses”, recently appearing in […]

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Design Principles for Creating Impactful Entrepreneurship Education for All

Design Principles for Creating Impactful Entrepreneurship Education for All

“In wide entrepreneurship education,” write Yvette Baggen, Thomas Lans and Judith Gulikers in their essay below, “the messy, uncertain and iterative entrepreneurial process of value creation is key.” If it’s messy and uncertain, a little help on finding good next steps for the educator to take is welcome.

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If You Hope To Make Great Things Happen, You Have to Learn How to ‘Make Things’ First

If You Hope To Make Great Things Happen, You Have to Learn How to ‘Make Things’ First

Students often are enthused about innovations being developed in the world and the potential impact of creative, productive ideas, but when it comes time to roll up their sleeves they often don’t know what to do.

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How One Study on Entrepreneurial Orientation Would Impact the Field

How One Study on Entrepreneurial Orientation Would Impact the Field

Researchers Andreas Rauch, Johan Wiklund, G.T. Lumpkin, and Michael Frese began looking at the connection between business performance and ‘entrepreneurial orientation’—the entrepreneurial governing style of a business. 

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Heidi Neck on Entrepreneurship in Teaching Future Entrepreneurs

Heidi Neck on Entrepreneurship in Teaching Future Entrepreneurs

How do you teach someone to be entrepreneurial? That’s the challenge presented to Heidi Neck, the Jeffry A. Timmons Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College and director of the Babson Entrepreneur Experience Lab, every day. We asked her some questions in the wake of her new textbook on those issues won an award.

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Psychological Ownership and the Entrepreneurial Behavior of Middle Managers

Psychological Ownership and the Entrepreneurial Behavior of Middle Managers

[We’re pleased to welcome Michael Mustafa of the University of Nottingham. Michael recently published an article in Journal of Leadership & Organizational […]

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Protecting Students’ Intellectual Property

Protecting Students’ Intellectual Property

[We’re pleased to welcome Sarah Wright of the University of Canterbury. Sarah recently published an article in Journal of Management Education entitled […]

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Book Review: Womentrepreneurs: Inspiring Stories of Success

Book Review: Womentrepreneurs: Inspiring Stories of Success

The Hindu Business Line recently published a book review by Aarati Krishnan for the book Womentrepreneurs: Inspiring Stories of Success by author Avinash […]

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