
The Rollercoaster of Eco-anxiety: Acknowledging Both Hope and Despair in the Classroom
Business and Management INK
March 28, 2023

The Rollercoaster of Eco-anxiety: Acknowledging Both Hope and Despair in the Classroom

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ESRC-Funded Initiative Aims to Harness Social Science to Address Environmental Issues
January 18, 2023

ESRC-Funded Initiative Aims to Harness Social Science to Address Environmental Issues

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Online Event: A Turning Point for International Climate Policy?
April 27, 2021

Online Event: A Turning Point for International Climate Policy?

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Optimizing Performance Management Systems in the Energy Sector
Business and Management INK
April 28, 2016

Optimizing Performance Management Systems in the Energy Sector

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Applying a Business Model Perspective to Sustainability Solutions

Applying a Business Model Perspective to Sustainability Solutions

[We’re pleased to welcome Caroline Gauthier of Grenoble Ecole de Management. Professor Gauthier co-authored an article with Bettina Gilomen of Grenoble Ecole de […]

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Environmental Proactivity: An Economic Booster for Firms?

Environmental Proactivity: An Economic Booster for Firms?

[We’re pleased to welcome Jesús Valero-Gil of University of Zaragoza. Professor Valero-Gil co-authored an article with Pilar River-Torres, Concepcion Garces-Ayerbe, and Sabina Scarpellini […]

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The Business of Bumble Bees: A Look at the Relationship Between Business and Biodiversity Loss

The Business of Bumble Bees: A Look at the Relationship Between Business and Biodiversity Loss

Small though they may be, bumble bees play a large part in the environment. As pollinators, bees assist in the reproductive process […]

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Input from Social and Behavioral Scientists Essential in Energy-Use Reduction Policy Making

Input from Social and Behavioral Scientists Essential in Energy-Use Reduction Policy Making

Research shows people generally prefer being green to being greedy, but even if people are motivated, they don’t always know how to reduce energy use or, if they make a behavioral change, whether the change helped them reach their energy saving goals.

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Are Corporations Really as Green as They Say They Are?

Are Corporations Really as Green as They Say They Are?

More and more, consumers are demanding “green” products. In response, many corporations are developing and marketing merchandise billed as environmentally friendly. But […]

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Floods, Politics and Science: The Case of the Somerset Levels

Floods, Politics and Science: The Case of the Somerset Levels

Feel-good interventions that don’t provide a practical good, or at least one not supported by evidence, generate questions that hinge specifically on future responses to climate change and more broadly on government decision-making in general.

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Book Review: Al Gore’s ‘The Future’

Book Review: Al Gore’s ‘The Future’

Al Gore. The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change. New York, NY: Random House, 2013. 558 pp. $30. ISBN: 978-0-8129-9294-6 Read the […]

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Top Five: Social Marketing

Top Five: Social Marketing

Does compassion make dieters more likely to lose weight? What stops people from recycling? Could an anti-drinking Facebook campaign change a student’s […]

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