Matchmaking Research to Policy: Introducing Britain’s Areas of Research Interest Database
November 2, 2023

Matchmaking Research to Policy: Introducing Britain’s Areas of Research Interest Database

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ESRC-Funded Initiative Aims to Harness Social Science to Address Environmental Issues
January 18, 2023

ESRC-Funded Initiative Aims to Harness Social Science to Address Environmental Issues

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ESRC Early Career Honor Recognizes Researcher Examining Renewable Energy Policies
February 14, 2022

ESRC Early Career Honor Recognizes Researcher Examining Renewable Energy Policies

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Participatory Peace-Building Program Wins ESRC Impact Prize
February 7, 2022

Participatory Peace-Building Program Wins ESRC Impact Prize

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ESRC Honors Coma/Consciousness Research for Outstanding Public Policy Impact

ESRC Honors Coma/Consciousness Research for Outstanding Public Policy Impact

With proposing changes to the law to promote person-centered decision-making for ‘coma’ patients as the focus, Celia and Jenny Kitzinger’s research has benefitted over 68,000 patients in prolonged coma, vegetative or minimally conscious states

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ESRC Honors Aston University’s CREME for Outstanding Business Impact

ESRC Honors Aston University’s CREME for Outstanding Business Impact

The Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CRÈME) was recently named the winner of the Outstanding Business and Enterprise Impact Award, from the ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2020.

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MoVE Project: Pandemic Opened Door to Greater Volunteer Action

MoVE Project: Pandemic Opened Door to Greater Volunteer Action

Understanding how to create the conditions for a thriving civil society — that works in partnership with local governments and communities to […]

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Layard Receives Lifetime Achievement Award as ESRC Names 2020 Impact Winners

Layard Receives Lifetime Achievement Award as ESRC Names 2020 Impact Winners

Britain’s Celebrating Impact competition, now in its eighth year, recognizes and rewards ESRC-funded researchers who have achieved impact through outstanding research, knowledge exchange activities, collaborative partnerships and engagement with different communities.

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Festival of Social Science Features Launch of New Robert Putnam Book

Festival of Social Science Features Launch of New Robert Putnam Book

Political scientist Robert Putnam, whose book Bowling Alone achieved a popular and policy prominence that most social scientists can only dream of, will discuss his latest book, The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again, co-written by Shaylyn Romney Garrett, in a virtual launch on November 5.

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ESRC Names 2020 Finalists for Celebrating Impact Prize

ESRC Names 2020 Finalists for Celebrating Impact Prize

Britain’s Economic and Social Research Council has named nine professors and two teams of researchers as finalists in its Celebrating Impact Prize […]

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ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

Surely preparing Britain’s social science community to take the lead in a future of global and interdisciplinary team research isn’t a quest for a mythical beast? Matt Flinders, who heads an ESRC project trying to nurture that leadership, doesn’t think so – but he understands why someone might think it is.

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Shaping Welsh Government Policy with Research Evidence

Shaping Welsh Government Policy with Research Evidence

The Wales Centre for Public Policy is helping to inform and shape policy decisions by presenting research evidence directly to government ministers, producing over 120 studies in the last five years – supporting effective policy making and benefiting public services across Wales.

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