
SSRC Links with U.S. Treasury on Evaluation Projects
February 1, 2024

SSRC Links with U.S. Treasury on Evaluation Projects

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Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Emergency
March 27, 2020

Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Emergency

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Submissions Open for Early Career Excellence in Teaching Evaluation Awards
August 27, 2018

Submissions Open for Early Career Excellence in Teaching Evaluation Awards

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A Parent of Evaluation: Daniel Stufflebeam, 1936-2017
August 4, 2017

A Parent of Evaluation: Daniel Stufflebeam, 1936-2017

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Five Considerations for Any Policy to Measure Research Impact

Five Considerations for Any Policy to Measure Research Impact

An Australian directive to measure the engagement with and impact of academic research can itself by improved by applying new research.

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Prone to Pressure: How Stakeholders Endanger the Independence of Evaluations and What We Can Do Against it

Prone to Pressure: How Stakeholders Endanger the Independence of Evaluations and What We Can Do Against it

It’s self-evident that the independence of any evaluation, and the integrity of its findings, is paramount. Yet there’s a a clear threat to the integrity of many evaluations: pressure from the stakeholders who hired the evaluator.

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Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Jean Stockard and Tim Wood looked at the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse and asked a very similar question – does this work? They found that the answer is often no, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

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Seeking a Better Way to Evaluate Teachers

Seeking a Better Way to Evaluate Teachers

Teacher observations are both costly and time intensive, but perhaps it’s time to invest in better teacher evaluation to get better student results. So argues Robert Pianta, who has personally helped develop some measures that might achieve such high hopes, in a an article in the journal PIBBS..

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How Do We Improve the Process of Government Improvement?

How Do We Improve the Process of Government Improvement?

Would federal government agencies benefit from having a CEO — that is, a chief evaluation officer?

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Focusing on Average Treatment Impacts May Underestimate Program Impacts

Focusing on Average Treatment Impacts May Underestimate Program Impacts

When impacts vary from one subgroup to another, then focusing on average treatment effects may underestimate the impacts, according to a recent article by Bradford Chaney.

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Required Reading

Required Reading

We’re pleased to let you know about an important new title from SAGE Publications: Enhancing Evaluation Use by Marlène Läubli Loud and John Mayne offers […]

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‘Wow, That Was Funny’: Humor Delivers the Message

‘Wow, That Was Funny’: Humor Delivers the Message

There is no doubt that humor captures people’s attention. For social marketers, who aim to change individuals’ behavior in order to achieve […]

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