Evidence-Based Policy

AI May Usurp the Market in Guiding Public Policy Decisions
September 12, 2019

AI May Usurp the Market in Guiding Public Policy Decisions

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Technology Can Collect and Analyze Evidence for Policy
July 3, 2019

Technology Can Collect and Analyze Evidence for Policy

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President Signs Bill on Evidence-Based Policy
Public Policy
January 23, 2019

President Signs Bill on Evidence-Based Policy

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New Report Packages Themes from Evidence Week
November 12, 2018

New Report Packages Themes from Evidence Week

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Africa Takes Steps in Using Evidence to Inform Policy

Africa Takes Steps in Using Evidence to Inform Policy

Africa has a real challenge when it comes to using academic research and evidence to design policies. “The problem is twofold,” says author Ruth Stewart, “policymakers sometimes don’t call on available research, while for their part academics don’t know how to engage with policymakers.” But this isn’t stopping the continent from taking strides in the right direction.

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Video: Evidence-Based Policy in the Trump Era

Video: Evidence-Based Policy in the Trump Era

New Video highlighting the July 19th session held at the Brookings Institution on the new 2018 volume of The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Featuring Sen. Todd Young (R) & Sen. Tom Carper (D), assessing how ‘evidence in public policy is faring, currently, in the Trump administration.

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Evidence-Based Policy: Do Knowledge Brokers Help?

Evidence-Based Policy: Do Knowledge Brokers Help?

We need to bridge the gap between academic research and public policy. Sarah Quarmby takes a look inside a knowledge brokering organization, the Wales Centre for Public Policy, to see how its day-to-day workings tally with the body of knowledge about evidence use in policymaking.

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Outlining the Many Beneficiaries of Evidence Week

Outlining the Many Beneficiaries of Evidence Week

The head of Sense about Science discusses the importance of public reasoning and accountability and why the first ever Evidence Week is a timely response to the changing demands of meeting those ideals, especially among politicians and policymakers. 

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Building a Foundation on Solid Evidence

Building a Foundation on Solid Evidence

Ziyad Marar, the president of global publishing for SAGE, explains how SAGE’s values and its mission “to build bridges to knowledge” overlap with the intent of the United Kingdom’s Evidence Week, which takes place later this June.

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Research Must Try to Influence Change

Research Must Try to Influence Change

There is no doubt that good communications and framing research for your audience is important to influencing policy and having impact. But shouldn’t we be aiming higher than producing and packaging research that simply meets the demands of policy actors? James Georgalakis argues that research and researchers need to challenge dominant paradigms and expose inconvenient truths.

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Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

Tina Basi and Mona Sloane argue that REF 2021 offers the opportunity to frame a discussion on the purpose of universities that is less focused on economics and more focused on people and public engagement, returning closer to the Humboldtian model of higher education.

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Diversity: Good Intentions Aren’t Same as Evidence

Diversity: Good Intentions Aren’t Same as Evidence

You’d be forgiven for assuming a quick and sure way to multiply profits and amplify organizational success is to increase the gender and racial diversity of any group. According to mainstream media, the effects of gender and racial diversity are universally favorable. However, professor Alice Eagly states, “the truth is there’s no adequate scientific basis for these newsworthy assertions.”

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