Free Speech

Campus Free Speech, Online?
July 1, 2021

Campus Free Speech, Online?

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Do Academics Themselves Undermine Freedom of Expression?
Higher Education Reform
November 21, 2019

Do Academics Themselves Undermine Freedom of Expression?

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HEPI Offers Clarion Call to Protect Free Speech on Campus
June 27, 2019

HEPI Offers Clarion Call to Protect Free Speech on Campus

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Might Campus Free Speech Laws Muzzle Some Speech?
International Debate
April 15, 2019

Might Campus Free Speech Laws Muzzle Some Speech?

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Special Pleading: Free Speech and Australian Universities

Special Pleading: Free Speech and Australian Universities

This is an edited version of a speech given by Glyn Davis, distinguished professor of political science at the Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University, at a summit to explore issues of academic freedom and autonomy hosted by the Australian National University.

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The US Professoriat and the Limits of Free Speech

The US Professoriat and the Limits of Free Speech

Researches at the University of Florida’s Brechner Center for Freedom of Information have studied the rights of public employees when they speak with the news media. Here, they look specifically at professors at public universities in the United States and find there are broad protections – within limits.

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Would Legislation Make Campus Free Speech Less Free?

Would Legislation Make Campus Free Speech Less Free?

Around the United States, state lawmakers have been talking about – and legislating – ways intended to protect free speech on college campuses. Bt some of the approaches may do more harm than good, argues Neal Hutchens.

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Universities a Safe Home for Ideas – But Only Safe Ideas

Universities a Safe Home for Ideas – But Only Safe Ideas

Once the cry at universities was “Dare to know!” But with speech that could make some people uncomfortable, the new cry is increasingly, “Dare to no!”

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The Day the Earth Moved: Canada’s Muzzled Researchers

The Day the Earth Moved: Canada’s Muzzled Researchers

Canadian scientists are being prevented by the state from discussing research findings in public, even about earthquakes in their backyard. Mark Frary reports

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Satan at work in the university…?

Satan at work in the university…?

How an unholy alliance of arrogant scientists and self-interested federal bureaucrats came to widen the net of ethical regulation intended to deal with abuses in medical research to empirical investigation in the humanities and social sciences.

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Reform of English laws on free speech

Reform of English laws on free speech

The British government has confirmed that it will introduce a Defamation Bill in the spring, to change the law on libel and […]

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