Game Theory

What Can Game Theory Tell Us About Ukraine War Negotiations?
March 28, 2022

What Can Game Theory Tell Us About Ukraine War Negotiations?

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The Well-Rounded Game Theorist: Martin Shubik, 1926-2018
September 4, 2018

The Well-Rounded Game Theorist: Martin Shubik, 1926-2018

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Al Roth on Matching Markets
Social Science Bites
August 1, 2017

Al Roth on Matching Markets

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Stories of Research to Reality: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
May 27, 2015

Stories of Research to Reality: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

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The Game Theorist: John Nash, 1928-2015

The Game Theorist: John Nash, 1928-2015

The impact of John Nash’s initial work has been immense over the past 65 years. It seems certain that in his absence, the frameworks and mathematical language he refined and developed will continue to provide new insights into a diverse range of problems.

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The Social Scientist Who Knew Torture Wasn’t Worth the Game

The Social Scientist Who Knew Torture Wasn’t Worth the Game

Game theory neatly — and sadly — predicted the futility of using torture to extract meaning information from terror suspects, neatly predicting the results of the recent U.S. Senate report years before its release.

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Of Geese and Game Theory: Auctions, Airwaves – and Applications

Of Geese and Game Theory: Auctions, Airwaves – and Applications

Three economists who used federal funding to research highly theoretical work on game theory and auctions are being honored with Golden Goose Awards for the highly practical application of their work that enabled the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to auction off the nation’s telecommunications spectrum in a way that maximized fairness and efficiency in the marketplace.

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