
Study: Women CFOs Get Better Bank Loans
Business and Management INK
March 13, 2013

Study: Women CFOs Get Better Bank Loans

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Race, Gender, and Communication in the Workplace
Business and Management INK
January 4, 2013

Race, Gender, and Communication in the Workplace

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The Economist Highlights New ASQ Research
Business and Management INK
December 3, 2012

The Economist Highlights New ASQ Research

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Does Fatherhood Make CEOs Less Generous?
Business and Management INK
November 2, 2012

Does Fatherhood Make CEOs Less Generous?

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Gangster Anthropologist

Gangster Anthropologist

Jorja Leap immersed herself in the culture of Los Angeles’ notorious street gangs for over 10 years, interviewing and working with hundreds of active and former gang members.

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Paul Seabright on the Relationship Between the Sexes

Paul Seabright on the Relationship Between the Sexes

There is still a great deal of inequality between the sexes in the workplace. In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast Paul Seabright combines insights from economics and evolutionary theory to shed light on why this might be so.

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I’m academic male & I don’t care about female ECRs?!

I’m academic male & I don’t care about female ECRs?!

I expect many of you will be aware of the very amusing yet, at the same time, incredibly scary twitter account @academic male…

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When the Boys Fit in Better Than the Girls

When the Boys Fit in Better Than the Girls

Racially integrated schools offer a number of benefits for students: they are able to expand their cultural outlooks, gain new friends, learn about those who are different, and get better educations at schools with better resources than they would otherwise attend. However, students may struggle with making friends, interacting across racial lines, developing an ethnic identity and with academic achievement

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The Diversity Challenge: Part 2 of 5

The Diversity Challenge: Part 2 of 5

Editor’s note: Today we’re continuing our series on diversity, targeting specific questions to invite discussion and exploration of related topics. If you […]

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New JME Podcast: Women and Power

New JME Podcast: Women and Power

We see them everywhere: signs that the old stereotypes about men, women and power remain ingrained in our culture. Where does this […]

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Study: Mother-Daughter Talks Need More Math

Study: Mother-Daughter Talks Need More Math

Why do young girls lack confidence in math? One study shows American parents are far more likely to talk numbers with young sons than daughters.

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What Is It Like To Have Power?

What Is It Like To Have Power?

The latest issue of Administrative Science Quarterly, Social Psychological Perspectives on Power and Hierarchy, takes the study of power in management and […]

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