Generational Differences

Bobby Duffy on Generation Myths
Social Science Bites
September 1, 2022

Bobby Duffy on Generation Myths

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Surely We Can Get Past This Toxic Boomer v. Millennial Mythologizing
September 14, 2021

Surely We Can Get Past This Toxic Boomer v. Millennial Mythologizing

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Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?
Business and Management INK
September 3, 2020

Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?

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Book Review: Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace
October 24, 2014

Book Review: Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace

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Award Winning Journal of Management Article on Capitol Hill

Award Winning Journal of Management Article on Capitol Hill

 “Age Stereotypes in the Workplace: Common Stereotypes, Moderators, and Future Directions,” by Richard A. Posthuma of the University of Texas at El […]

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What Benefits Can Mindfulness Have on Organizational Behavior?

What Benefits Can Mindfulness Have on Organizational Behavior?

[We are pleased to welcome Ronald Purser. who collaborated with Joseph Milillo on their article entitled  “Mindfulness Revisited: A Buddhist-Based Conceptualization” from […]

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Go Team Girl! Women Empowerment and Olympic Success

Go Team Girl! Women Empowerment and Olympic Success

Women first took part in the Olympic Games in Paris in 1900, according to the International Olympic Committee. At the time, out […]

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Out of Whack: Textbook Tragedy

Out of Whack: Textbook Tragedy

[Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to reproduce “Out of Whack: Textbook Tragedy” by Charles M. Vance from Journal of Management Inquiry.] Click here […]

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Workplace Values Across the Generations

Workplace Values Across the Generations

According the Economist, the current workforce can mostly be broken down into three generations: Baby-boomers (born between 1946 and the mid 60’s), […]

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How Do Students Choose Colleges?

How Do Students Choose Colleges?

It’s finally spring time! According to the College Board, most high school students take the SAT for the first time in the […]

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Can We Be Happy in a Post-Apocalyptic  World?

Can We Be Happy in a Post-Apocalyptic World?

Scientists predict that in the years to come both temperatures and sea levels could rise, diminishing valuable resources and leaving civilization in […]

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Less Talk, More Action: Teaching Management to Millennials

Less Talk, More Action: Teaching Management to Millennials

With its August 2013 issue, the Journal of Management Education is proud to celebrate the introduction of the review article to the […]

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