
Exploring Discrimination Faced by Asian Nationals in the U.S. Labor Market
Business and Management INK
May 2, 2024

Exploring Discrimination Faced by Asian Nationals in the U.S. Labor Market

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Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries
Business and Management INK
May 18, 2016

Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries

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Book Review: Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs
March 30, 2016

Book Review: Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs

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Staying Lean
Business and Management INK
October 31, 2013

Staying Lean

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Oh the humanities: Oxford graduates do well, but what about the rest?

Oh the humanities: Oxford graduates do well, but what about the rest?

A study of 11,000 alumni from the University of Oxford has shown that humanities graduates went on to work in the UK’s major growth sectors. The Oxford study can’t tell us much about the fate of graduates at other universities around the UK. But it does prompt a closer look at the stigma surrounding humanities subjects in the UK.

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When Tenure-Track Faculty Take On the Problem of Adjunctification

When Tenure-Track Faculty Take On the Problem of Adjunctification

What one group of tenure-track faculty did to fight for the dignity and success of their adjunct colleagues, and for the ultimate survival of academia. Read how they’re exceeding all expectations, and how you can bring the fight to your own institution.

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Can Brands be Intellectuals?

Can Brands be Intellectuals?

As an academic, you are a brand not only as a matter of choice, but, increasingly, due to powerful institutional imperatives that are becoming harder and harder to ignore.

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Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?

Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?

What does the negativity around social science mean for ECRS? I have often wondered about the numbers of social science ECRs and their job prospects in comparison with those graduating in the natural sciences. Does it make it harder for us to find employment? Do the natural sciences have an advantage?

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Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

If you are considering a career outside of academia you firstly need to do your homework, this should be easy, if not obvious to any recently completed PhD. Treat your job hunt like a research project

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