
How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad
April 28, 2014

How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

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PoliSci Publishing Has a Need for Speed
April 12, 2014

PoliSci Publishing Has a Need for Speed

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In Canada, We Like OA But We Don’t Like Its Cost
Open Access
April 8, 2014

In Canada, We Like OA But We Don’t Like Its Cost

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9 Basics for Anyone Submitting to a Scholarly Journal
March 19, 2014

9 Basics for Anyone Submitting to a Scholarly Journal

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AERA Appoints Inaugural Editors for New Open-Access Journal

AERA Appoints Inaugural Editors for New Open-Access Journal

The American Educational Research Association, the nation’s largest professional organization devoted to the scientific study of education, has named three professors from […]

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Open Access increases citation? A brief overview of two reports

Open Access increases citation? A brief overview of two reports

A comparison of two studies on the coverage and range of citations in Open Access, comparing OA and non-OA journals.

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OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences

OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences

The opportunity for H&SS to reach much wider audiences who appreciate the value of their work generally, and to reach those specific people who will make important use of it is enormous.

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Seven Ways to Get Published in Top Journals

Seven Ways to Get Published in Top Journals

As qualitative research increasingly gains influence in the broader academic community, it remains a challenge to get such research published in top-tier, […]

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Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

I find it ironic that interesting current debates about sociology’s Eurocentrism and calls for a more truly global sociology take place in journals and books that are likely to be inaccessible at many, many universities around the world.

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Sign up for SAGE’s Email Alerts!

Sign up for SAGE’s Email Alerts!

SAGE Publications wants to help you keep up–to–date with our products and services by signing up to our email alerts. Signing up […]

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Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks

Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks

Interested in writing an article for a journal but struggling with it? SAGE published Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A […]

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