Lamar Smith

A Remedy for Broken Science, Or an Attempt to Undercut It?
Higher Education Reform
May 8, 2018

A Remedy for Broken Science, Or an Attempt to Undercut It?

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Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value
April 5, 2018

Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value

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No, Most NSF Grad Student Funding Does Not Go to Social and Behavioral Science
December 11, 2017

No, Most NSF Grad Student Funding Does Not Go to Social and Behavioral Science

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House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith Will Not Seek Re-election
November 2, 2017

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith Will Not Seek Re-election

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NSF Escapes Attention in First Draft of Trump Budget

NSF Escapes Attention in First Draft of Trump Budget

The first swipe at a federal budget from the Donald Trump White House does not mention the National Science Foundation, which is the largest single funder of university-based social science in the United States.

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Lamar Smith’s National Interest Bill Passes House

Lamar Smith’s National Interest Bill Passes House

Legislation that requires that future grants made by the National Science Foundation meet a test for being in the ‘national interest’ passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday.

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The National Interest and the NSF

The National Interest and the NSF

Current legislation calls for federally funded science to be in the ‘national interest.’ What does that even mean, and why do scientists fear this Republican-led effort?

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Bill: Make ‘National Interest’ Explicit in NSF Grants

Bill: Make ‘National Interest’ Explicit in NSF Grants

In February officials with the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the National Science Board trooped up […]

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New Congress Gets First Peek at Proposed NSF Budget

New Congress Gets First Peek at Proposed NSF Budget

Social science’s raise in the White House’s proposed National Science Foundation budget raises some Republican eyebrows.

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NSF Changes Guidelines for Informative Titles, Abstracts

NSF Changes Guidelines for Informative Titles, Abstracts

UPDATED: Amidst calls by politicians for greater transparency in how the National Science Foundation arrives at grant decisions, the federal agency institutes new guidelines for more accessible descriptions of projects.

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UPDATED: Social Science Advocates Uniting to Oppose FIRST

UPDATED: Social Science Advocates Uniting to Oppose FIRST

Thursday’s mark-up of a bill that nearly cuts the National Science Foundation’s social science spending in half is stirring up the academic community.

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Why Social Science Research Matters

Why Social Science Research Matters

Michael Lubell, accomplished professor of physics, explains why the social sciences are critical to the advance of science and technology, and explains why we need to protect the social sciences from political attempts to de-fund them.

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