
Building Perspective-Taking Across Diverse Teams and Organizations
Business and Management INK
January 7, 2022

Building Perspective-Taking Across Diverse Teams and Organizations

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What Led Me to Review ‘Opening Doors on Diversity in Leadership’
Business and Management INK
December 28, 2021

What Led Me to Review ‘Opening Doors on Diversity in Leadership’

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The Pivotal Role of Educational Leaders in Achieving Racial Equity in Schooling and Education
Business and Management INK
November 22, 2021

The Pivotal Role of Educational Leaders in Achieving Racial Equity in Schooling and Education

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Building Understanding of How Virtual Environments Impact Leadership
Business and Management INK
November 4, 2021

Building Understanding of How Virtual Environments Impact Leadership

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To Lead or Not to Lead – That Is the Question

To Lead or Not to Lead – That Is the Question

Our curiosity about how to decipher leading from non-leading questions resulted in a typology of how interview questions can lead in three ways; through introduced content, presupposition and evaluation.

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‘Are We There Yet?’ Jane Hall Looks at Women in American Political Ecosystem

‘Are We There Yet?’ Jane Hall Looks at Women in American Political Ecosystem

The 2020 elections marked a turning point for women in U.S. politics and the media. So “are we there yet?” Ehh, not yet.

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Leadership at Crossroads: To Dehumanize or Humanize Leadership Education?

Leadership at Crossroads: To Dehumanize or Humanize Leadership Education?

Narrowly focused on leadership as a goal-focused activity, conventional approaches to teaching it, argues Shaista Khilji, have led to the dehumanization of leadership.

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Why Social Science? Leaders Need to Know How to Lead with Evidence

Why Social Science? Leaders Need to Know How to Lead with Evidence

Being bad at math can kill people. Even experts who should understand medical science and help us make good health decisions sometimes […]

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If You Like President Trump, You Probably Won’t Wear a Mask

If You Like President Trump, You Probably Won’t Wear a Mask

We found that not only did approval/liking of President Trump strongly, and positively, predict Americans’ approval of his handling of the pandemic, but it also had significant, negative effects on personal protection behaviors.

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Video: Leadership During COVID-19

Video: Leadership During COVID-19

One of the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic, argues social psychologist S. Alex Haslam, are many traditional views of leadership. In this […]

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View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership

View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership

Cyrill Walters investigated the current styles of leadership in South African higher education institutions and has developed a model of the primary competencies leaders need.

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Leadership and Identity in Combating COVID: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Leadership and Identity in Combating COVID: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Since COVID-19 first began spreading around the world, there have been myriad examples of leadership that has not only motivated people to […]

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