Using Translational Research as a Model for Long-Term Impact
March 21, 2024

Using Translational Research as a Model for Long-Term Impact

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The Importance of Using Proper Research Citations to Encourage Trustworthy News Reporting
February 26, 2024

The Importance of Using Proper Research Citations to Encourage Trustworthy News Reporting

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In Age of Open Science, Should Your Presentation Appear Online?
February 12, 2019

In Age of Open Science, Should Your Presentation Appear Online?

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Transforming Research into an Illustrated Abstract
May 31, 2018

Transforming Research into an Illustrated Abstract

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Looking for Impact? Seek Feedback — Especially From Friends in High Places

Looking for Impact? Seek Feedback — Especially From Friends in High Places

Co-Pierre Georg and Michael E. Rose report on their recent study confirming that seeking out feedback and constructive criticism improves academic research and increases its impact, especially when that feedback is offered by well-connected colleagues.

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Shake By All Means, But Social Science is Not Natural Science

Shake By All Means, But Social Science is Not Natural Science

Will Davies responds to the calls for a social science shake-up by questioning the status of the social sciences in 2014 as something other than mere understudies to the natural sciences. The shared terrain of the two, he argues, seems to rest on various acts of forgetting on the part of the social sciences, but no acts of learning on the part of the natural sciences.

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Shaken and Stirred: Christakis on Re-ordering Social Science

Shaken and Stirred: Christakis on Re-ordering Social Science

With one foot firmly planted in natural science and one in social science, Yale’s Nicholas A. Christakis looks at the landscape of the latter and wonders why it’s changed so little in the past century. Is it time for a common-sense, and yet radical, reshuffling of the institutional frameworks that we tend to accept as permanent?

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The Impact of Social Sciences Project by the Numbers

The Impact of Social Sciences Project by the Numbers

The Impact of Social Sciences blog emerged from a three-year research project devoted to a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the complexity of academic impact. To not let any impact-relevant knowledge dissolve away, Jane Tinkler takes a look back at the outputs, outcomes and connections made throughout the research process.

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Social Sciences Learn the Tactical Benefits of Concentration

Social Sciences Learn the Tactical Benefits of Concentration

As it is released in North America, a book on the impact of social science in Britain suggests guidance for raising the disciplines’ profiles in the U.S. and beyond.

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LSE Study Offers More Ammunition for Social Sciences’ Defense

LSE Study Offers More Ammunition for Social Sciences’ Defense

A live-streamed panel discussion this week will officially launch a new effort to demonstrate the pocketbook benefits of social science in Britain and beyond.

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Lessons from civil society

Lessons from civil society

As academics think about impact, they can draw on some of the lessons and strategic approaches used by civil society and campaigning groups.

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The BBC, North Korea and the Culture of Impunity

The BBC, North Korea and the Culture of Impunity

The controversy over BBC journalists’ use of a student tour group linked to the London School of Economics should not be allowed to go away quietly.

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