LSE Impact

Impact and Assessing Public Engagement
July 18, 2019

Impact and Assessing Public Engagement

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Using Twitter as a Data Source: Social Media Research Tools
June 25, 2019

Using Twitter as a Data Source: Social Media Research Tools

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Can We Use Altmetrics to Measure Societal Impact?
April 9, 2019

Can We Use Altmetrics to Measure Societal Impact?

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Academe Just Doesn’t Talk Enough about Research Metrics
February 25, 2019

Academe Just Doesn’t Talk Enough about Research Metrics

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The Impact Chain – How to Craft an Effective Impact Narrative

The Impact Chain – How to Craft an Effective Impact Narrative

A vital part of any research assessment program is the ability to clearly demonstrate the impacts, whatever they may, of the research undertaken. In this post, Katy McEwan presents the impact chain approach for writing impact case studies. A method, which provides a framework for producing impact narratives

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Open Scholarship Means We Must Rethink How to Measure Impact

Open Scholarship Means We Must Rethink How to Measure Impact

Sascha Friesike, Benedikt Fecher and Gert. G. Wagner outline three systemic shifts in scholarly communication that render traditional measures of impact outdated and call for a renewed debate on how we understand and measure research impact.

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LSE 2018 Round-Up on Connecting Research With Policy

LSE 2018 Round-Up on Connecting Research With Policy

LSE takes us through a round-up of all their top articles relating to Research and Policy connectivity. Explore a variety of 2018 articles on engagement, policy making, and collaboration.

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Evidence-Based Policy: Do Knowledge Brokers Help?

Evidence-Based Policy: Do Knowledge Brokers Help?

We need to bridge the gap between academic research and public policy. Sarah Quarmby takes a look inside a knowledge brokering organization, the Wales Centre for Public Policy, to see how its day-to-day workings tally with the body of knowledge about evidence use in policymaking.

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First, Do No Harm: Five Tips for Collaborating With Government and Development Orgs

First, Do No Harm: Five Tips for Collaborating With Government and Development Orgs

The appeal of collaborating with a government agency, or an organization funded by one, seems obvious. In practice, however, it’s not always easy to make collaborative research work well. Susan Dodsworth and Nic Cheeseman outline some simple lessons for those looking to collaborate while avoiding the common pitfalls.

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Little Blue Birds of a (Disciplinary) Feather Flock Together

Little Blue Birds of a (Disciplinary) Feather Flock Together

The success of academic research in reaching out beyond its own scientific community is a perennial concern, even more so following the rapid adoption of social media and the ability to easily transmit information to potentially millions of people. But is increased social media attention really indicative of “broader impact”? A new study suggests social media does not broaden scientific communication, but rather replicates and perpetuates pre-established disciplinary boundaries. 

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Is Academe Now Privileging Click-bait Over Rigor?

Is Academe Now Privileging Click-bait Over Rigor?

Portia Roelofs and Max Gallien cite Bruce Gilley’s defense of colonialism paper published earlier this month to illustrate how deliberately provocative articles have the capacity to hack academia, to privilege clicks and attention over rigor in research.

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Open Writing is the Necessary Precursor to Open Science

Open Writing is the Necessary Precursor to Open Science

The new Open Writing project aims to open academic writing practice to reflections and experiments with the actual process of writing, with a view to creating new, open research products that have an impact on peers, public and policymakers.

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