Mark Vieth News Bulletin

Washington and Social Science: Paring the Education Department?
Academic Funding
April 3, 2019

Washington and Social Science: Paring the Education Department?

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Washington and Social Science: Shutdown and OSTP Appointment
Academic Funding
January 8, 2019

Washington and Social Science: Shutdown and OSTP Appointment

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Washington and Social Science: Might a Wall Shutdown Delay NSF Budget?
Academic Funding
December 3, 2018

Washington and Social Science: Might a Wall Shutdown Delay NSF Budget?

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Washington and Social Science: The Midterms and Science Committees
November 8, 2018

Washington and Social Science: The Midterms and Science Committees

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Washington and Social Science: Rare Accord Seen in Appropriations

Washington and Social Science: Rare Accord Seen in Appropriations

For the first time in more than 20 years, Congress enacted into law the annual Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Act prior to the end of the fiscal year and for the first time in more than 10 years it did the same for the Defense Appropriations Act. What it didn’t do is approve the bill that funds the National Science Foundation.

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Washington and Social Science: NSF Funding Not Part of Fast-Tracked Bills

Washington and Social Science: NSF Funding Not Part of Fast-Tracked Bills

The US Senate approved a “minibus” appropriations bill that combined the FY19 Defense and Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Appropriations Acts. The Senate also cleared for the president’s signature the FY19 Defense Authorization Act, and the measure was signed into law on August 13. But the bill that includes NSF funding has gone nowhere.

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Washington and Social Science: Will a Wall Derail Budget Train?

Washington and Social Science: Will a Wall Derail Budget Train?

The U.S. Congress is focused on passing its suite of appropriations bills — including funding for NSF and the Census — before the end of the current fiscal year, and is further along on that path that has been common in recent years. But a presidential threat to shut down government may upset that plan.

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Washington and Social Science: Positive Research Funding Plans Still on Track

Washington and Social Science: Positive Research Funding Plans Still on Track

Both houses of the United States Congress have appropriations bills that increase funding for the National Science Foundation and the 2020 Census in the works, and ‘regular order’ is still the rule for seeing them advance to passage. But how long will regular order be regular?

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Washington and Social Science: Basic Research and Opioid Epidemic

Washington and Social Science: Basic Research and Opioid Epidemic

One of the most important issues facing Congress this year is the opioid epidemic that has touched on the lives of so many Americans. On May 17, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce approved a package of 57 bills designed to address the crisis of health and behavior, and the full House is expected to debate these bills later this month.

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Washington and Social Science: Could ‘Regular Order’ in Funding Return?

Washington and Social Science: Could ‘Regular Order’ in Funding Return?

The House approved several financial services measures, the 21st Century IRS Act, the Taxpayer First Act, and the FAA Reauthorization Act. The House also voted on and failed to adopt a balanced budget Constitutional amendment. The Senate voted to confirm several nominations, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value

Washington and Social Science: Science Chair Still Questions Value

Congress cleared the final fiscal year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Act, and the president signed the measure into law, narrowly averting another government shutdown. The House and Senate approved separate several financial services bills related to the Dodd-Frank Act. The House also approved several regulatory relief bills, and the “Right to Try” Act. The Senate also approved and cleared for the president’s signature the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act.”

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Washington and Social Science: The President’s Decimation of Social Science

Washington and Social Science: The President’s Decimation of Social Science

While Congress will have the final say on the fiscal year 2019 budget, the budget proposal offered by President Trump would cut the National Science Foundation’s spending on social science would be cut by more than 10 percent.

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