
Would Popular Science Books Benefit from a Rating System?
December 27, 2019

Would Popular Science Books Benefit from a Rating System?

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Modernizing the Monograph Ecosystem Can Save Them From Extinction
August 16, 2019

Modernizing the Monograph Ecosystem Can Save Them From Extinction

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Have We Outsourced Impact Measures to Database Providers?
July 9, 2019

Have We Outsourced Impact Measures to Database Providers?

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Writing Social Science Fiction in the Age of the Metrix
July 2, 2019

Writing Social Science Fiction in the Age of the Metrix

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Social Science Ahead of the (Shallow) Curve on Altmetrics Acceptance

Social Science Ahead of the (Shallow) Curve on Altmetrics Acceptance

A new survey of university faculty finds that the idea of altmetrics – using something aside from journal citations as the measure of scholarly impact – has made less headway among faculty than might be expected given the hoopla surrounding altmetrics. These new measures are the most familiar in the social science community (barely) and least familiar in the arts and humanities (dramatically so).

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Book Review: Scholarly Communication and Measuring Research – What Does Everyone Need to Know?

Book Review: Scholarly Communication and Measuring Research – What Does Everyone Need to Know?

Academics are required to not only find effective ways to communicate their research, but also to increasingly measure and quantify its quality, impact and reach. In Scholarly Communication: What Everyone Needs to Know, Rick Anderson puts us in the picture. And in Measuring Research: What Everyone Needs to Know, Cassidy Sugimoto and Vincent Lariviere critically assess over 20 tools currently available for evaluating the quality of research.

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How Could Google Scholar (and the Citation System) Be Improved?

How Could Google Scholar (and the Citation System) Be Improved?

To end his trilogy of articles on the research metric system (and Google Scholar in particular), Louis Coiffait explores what improvements could be made.

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Academe Just Doesn’t Talk Enough about Research Metrics

Academe Just Doesn’t Talk Enough about Research Metrics

Lai Ma 3383 Impact

The active use of metrics in everyday research activities suggests academics have accepted them as standards of evaluation. Yet when asked, many academics profess concern about the limitations of evaluative metrics and the extent of their use. Why is there such a discrepancy between principle and practices?

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Book Review: Metric Power

Book Review: Metric Power

In Metric Power, David Beer examines the intensifying role that metrics play in our everyday lives, from healthcare provision to our interactions with friends and family, within the context of the so-termed data revolution. This is a book that illustrates our growing implication in, and arguable acquiescence to, an increasingly quantified world, but, Thomas Christie Williams asks, where do we locate resistance?

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Existing Career Incentives Are Often Bad for Science

Existing Career Incentives Are Often Bad for Science

A culture of bad science can evolve as a result of institutional incentives that prioritize simple quantitative metrics as measures of success, argues Paul Smaldino. But, he adds, not all is lost as new initiatives such as open data and replication are making a positive difference.

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In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

Sage 1042 Impact

As governments seek practical metrics for determining if their research funding is money wisely spent, the quest for ‘impact’ takes on great importance. Drawing from the Australian experience, Stephen Taylor addresses several key measurement principles.

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In the Rush to Metrics, Don’t Ignore Human Intuition

In the Rush to Metrics, Don’t Ignore Human Intuition

Sociologist Eric Giannella argues the uncertainty of science makes intuition and judgement essential, and yet the effect of metrics is to reduce the role of judgment. 

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