Mixed Methods

Webinar: How to Collaborate Across Paradigms – Embedding Culture in Mixed Methods Designs
March 15, 2024

Webinar: How to Collaborate Across Paradigms – Embedding Culture in Mixed Methods Designs

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Cheryl Poth on the Nexus of Methodologies
June 15, 2018

Cheryl Poth on the Nexus of Methodologies

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John Creswell on the Value of the Qualitative Approach
June 15, 2018

John Creswell on the Value of the Qualitative Approach

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What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?
Business and Management INK
September 11, 2015

What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

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Stories of Research to Reality: John W. Creswell

Stories of Research to Reality: John W. Creswell

”Here’s the message I want to give you today: We’re all very close to research. When we gather information to understand this world that we’re in, we are gathering both numbers and statistics, and the stories of people. The research methods I do put those two together.”

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Exploring Mixed Methods in Organizational Sciences

Exploring Mixed Methods in Organizational Sciences

Organizational Research Methods invites papers for a Feature Topic on Mixed Methods in the Organizational Sciences. Guest editors for this feature topic […]

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What Really Drives the Research Design?

What Really Drives the Research Design?

Kwok, Linchi (In press). “Exploratory-triangulation design in mixed methods studies:  A case of examining graduating seniors who meet hospitality recruiters’ selection criteria.” […]

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Mixed Methods As A Tool To Research Self-Reported Outcomes From Diverse Treatments Among People With Multiple Sclerosis

Mixed Methods As A Tool To Research Self-Reported Outcomes From Diverse Treatments Among People With Multiple Sclerosis

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Unproctored Internet Test Verification

Unproctored Internet Test Verification

Guido Makransky,  and Cees. A. W. Glas, both of the University of Twente in the Netherlands, published “Unproctored Internet Test Verification: Using […]

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Crafting Qualitative Research

Crafting Qualitative Research

Ann L. Cunliffe, University of New Mexico, published “Crafting Qualitative Research: Morgan and Smircich 30 Years On” in the October 2011 issue of […]

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Do Mixed Methods Articles Have a Higher Impact?

Do Mixed Methods Articles Have a Higher Impact?

Jose F. Molina-Azorin, University of Alicante, investigates this question in the article, “The Use and Added Value of Mixed Methods in Management […]

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