National Science Foundation

NAS Outlines Successes of Societal Experts Action Network
October 15, 2021

NAS Outlines Successes of Societal Experts Action Network

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Duke Policy Professor Wins NSF Early-Career Prize
May 12, 2021

Duke Policy Professor Wins NSF Early-Career Prize

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Online Events: Understanding Diversity in STEM – WMPD Day
April 22, 2021

Online Events: Understanding Diversity in STEM – WMPD Day

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A New Interest in Larger Social and Behavioral Science Proposals at NSF
April 9, 2021

A New Interest in Larger Social and Behavioral Science Proposals at NSF

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Content Analysis Illustrates What Congress Wants from the NSF Today

Content Analysis Illustrates What Congress Wants from the NSF Today

What does Congress want from the National Science Foundation? This content analysis study conducted by Alison Beatty, Arthur Lupia and Stuart Soroka discusses the general trends and focuses on the NSF by Congress based on remarks made between 1995 to 2018.

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White House Budget Would Reduce NSF, Kill Minerva

White House Budget Would Reduce NSF, Kill Minerva

Although the budgets released by the administration of U.S President Donald Trump have been seen more as gestures than serious spending plans, […]

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Opportunity: NSF Seeks Social Science Research on STEM

Opportunity: NSF Seeks Social Science Research on STEM

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will be accepting applications for the Science and Technology Studies (STS) Program. With an estimated program funding of 6,200,000 (to be awarded among 40 different researchers), this is an opportunity worth considering.

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Writing Style in Abstract Linked to NSF Grant Payout

Writing Style in Abstract Linked to NSF Grant Payout

A text analysis of nine years of grant abstracts submitted to the NSF indicated that what researchers say and how we say it can foretell the amount of funding we are awarded. They also show that the writing funders idealize may not always match up with what they actually prefer.

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Communicating NSF’s Value to Elected Officials

Communicating NSF’s Value to Elected Officials

The Coalition for National Science Funding hosted a webinar titled “Communicating the Value of NSF to Elected Officials”; Focusing on the need to engage with elected officials while they’re at home in their district. An issue of importance as US Government continues to go back and forth on its funding for the next fiscal year.

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Political science budget cut from NSF, scientists speak up

Political science budget cut from NSF, scientists speak up

Author’s note: I did this interview and originally published it in the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences Member Central blog. […]

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Social Sciences Need a Collective Voice

Social Sciences Need a Collective Voice

Social science may be faring better politically in UK than US, says Ziyad Marar, but let’s avoid complacency at all costs

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Why Social Science Research Matters

Why Social Science Research Matters

Michael Lubell, accomplished professor of physics, explains why the social sciences are critical to the advance of science and technology, and explains why we need to protect the social sciences from political attempts to de-fund them.

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