NSF Funding

US Budget Omnibus Increases Federally Funded Research Spending
Academic Funding
March 23, 2018

US Budget Omnibus Increases Federally Funded Research Spending

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COSSA Looks at the President’s Science Budget in Depth
Academic Funding
March 6, 2018

COSSA Looks at the President’s Science Budget in Depth

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Senate Keeps Eye on Progress of Competitiveness Act
Academic Funding
January 31, 2018

Senate Keeps Eye on Progress of Competitiveness Act

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Washington and Social Science: Back and Forth at NSF
Academic Funding
October 6, 2017

Washington and Social Science: Back and Forth at NSF

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Why Social Science? It Is in the National Interest

Why Social Science? It Is in the National Interest

Congressman Daniel Lipinski says “we should encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, but we must also maintain support for core social science research.” He will moderate the congressional briefing on “Social Science Solutions for Health, Public Safety, Computing, and Other National Priorities” on Wednesday.

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NSF Spotlights Social Science in Dealing with Disaster

NSF Spotlights Social Science in Dealing with Disaster

A new video from the National Science Foundation concisely emphasizes the role that social science has in preparing for and reacting to natural disasters.

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Washington and Social Science: Slowdown for Recess

Washington and Social Science: Slowdown for Recess

The House approved the fiscal year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act and a security “minibus” that included fiscal year 2018 appropriations for the Departments of Defense, Energy and Homeland Security.  The House departed for its August recess, while the Senate plans to stay in session for the first two weeks of August.

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UPDATE: Senate Request for NSF 2 Percent Below Current Year

UPDATE: Senate Request for NSF 2 Percent Below Current Year

The U.S. Senate Apropriations Committee calls for a National Science Foundation budget just a hair below what the House has asked for. Both houses’ requests are far above what the president has requested.

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House Considers Flat Budget for NSF

House Considers Flat Budget for NSF

Advocates want $8 billion for NSF, and President Trump wants less than $7 billion. House appropriators seem to be navigating a path through the middle.

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Washington and Social Science: Trump Science Cuts DOA?

Washington and Social Science: Trump Science Cuts DOA?

On May 5, Congress finally cleared the fiscal year 2017 spending bill package, which included increases for the National Institutes of Health and flat funding for the National Science Foundation. Weeks later, President Trump unveiled his fiscal year 2018 budget, which includes sweeping cuts to NIH, NSF and federally-funded science research and education.

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NSF Escapes Attention in First Draft of Trump Budget

NSF Escapes Attention in First Draft of Trump Budget

The first swipe at a federal budget from the Donald Trump White House does not mention the National Science Foundation, which is the largest single funder of university-based social science in the United States.

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The How, and Who, of Federal Social Science Funding

The How, and Who, of Federal Social Science Funding

With a large portion of social and behavioral science basic research paid for by the United States government, how the funding process works and who makes the decisions is of vital interest. Here’s a primer on the process and list of key players in the 115th Congress. Plus, sign up for a webinar on the issue!

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