Open Science

Stop Buying Cobras: Halting the Rise of Fake Academic Papers
July 22, 2024

Stop Buying Cobras: Halting the Rise of Fake Academic Papers

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Paper Opening Science to the New Statistics Proves Its Import a Decade Later
July 2, 2024

Paper Opening Science to the New Statistics Proves Its Import a Decade Later

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Year of Open Science Conference
March 20, 2024

Year of Open Science Conference

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Watch The Lecture: The ‘E’ In Science Stands For Equity
November 1, 2023

Watch The Lecture: The ‘E’ In Science Stands For Equity

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Surveys Provide Insight Into Three Factors That Encourage Open Data and Science

Surveys Provide Insight Into Three Factors That Encourage Open Data and Science

Over a 10-year period Carol Tenopir of DataONE and her team conducted a global survey of scientists, managers and government workers involved in broad environmental science activities about their willingness to share data and their opinion of the resources available to do so (Tenopir et al., 2011, 2015, 2018, 2020). Comparing the responses over that time shows a general increase in the willingness to share data (and thus engage in Open Science).

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How Three False Starts Stifle Open Social Science

How Three False Starts Stifle Open Social Science

Patrick Dunleavy argues that there have already been three false starts in open science: focusing only on isolated bits of the open agenda in ways that don’t connect and so are not meaningful; loading researchers with off-putting, external bureaucratic requirements; and risking reopening ‘sectarian’ divides between quantitative and qualitative social scientists.

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Weighing the Benefits from New Data-Sharing Rules from the National Institutes of Health

Weighing the Benefits from New Data-Sharing Rules from the National Institutes of Health

Starting on Jan. 25, 2023, many of the 2,500 institutions and 300,000 researchers that the U.S. National Institutes of Health supports will need to provide a formal, detailed plan for publicly sharing the data generated by their research.

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Librarian Pilots the Path Linking Open Scholarship and Impact

Librarian Pilots the Path Linking Open Scholarship and Impact

The Association of Research Libraries has named North Carolina State open knowledge librarian to head a pilot program, Accelerating the Social Impact of Research.

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Event: The Future of Open Science: The Need to Change Culture to Change Science

Event: The Future of Open Science: The Need to Change Culture to Change Science

Join the American Psychological Association for a free webinar on April 26, 2021. Improvements in the openness, rigor, and reproducibility of psychological […]

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What a Chastened Discipline Can Teach All of Social Science About Open Science

What a Chastened Discipline Can Teach All of Social Science About Open Science

A new article in PS: Political Science & Politics analyses psychological science in the aftermath of a “replication crisis” and “credibility revolution” and explicitly examines “what social scientists can learn from this story.”

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Open Science Should Learn from the Evolution of Open Government Data

Open Science Should Learn from the Evolution of Open Government Data

By looking at the evolving history of the open government data movement, scientists can see both limitations to current approaches and identify ways to move forward from them.

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Can We Have Open Science Where No Scholar Is Left Behind?

Can We Have Open Science Where No Scholar Is Left Behind?

While the dominant model of open access using article processing charges lowers financial barriers for readers, it has erected a new paywall at the other end of the pipeline, blocking access to publication for less-privileged authors.

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