
“Social Scientists Need to Make a Stronger Case for Their Worth”
Academic Funding
October 31, 2012

“Social Scientists Need to Make a Stronger Case for Their Worth”

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Campaign for Social Science Roadshows
October 23, 2012

Campaign for Social Science Roadshows

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Why Open Access will Stifle Innovation
September 2, 2012

Why Open Access will Stifle Innovation

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Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 3 of 3)
August 29, 2012

Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 3 of 3)

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Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 1 of 3)

Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 1 of 3)

If policy influence becomes so unequal that the wishes of most citizens are ignored most of the time, a country’s claim to be a democracy is cast in doubt. And that is exactly what I found in my analyses of the link between public preferences and government policy in the U.S.

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Women and Work-Life Balance

Women and Work-Life Balance

Shortly after Marissa Mayer’s appointment this week as CEO of Yahoo, news of her pregnancy opened a new chapter in the work-life […]

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Conference Brings Global Focus to Socal Inequality

Conference Brings Global Focus to Socal Inequality

Academics from all over the world gather in York this week for one of the most significant conferences of social policy researchers […]

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Methamphetamine Markets, Personal Relationships, and Families

Methamphetamine Markets, Personal Relationships, and Families

No matter what type of market organization or operation we observed or how good or bad the quality of the local product being sold, we found that relationships and transactions in methamphetamine markets were always personal.

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Campaign for Social Science: Promoting the Social Sciences to the Public, Media, and Parliament

Campaign for Social Science: Promoting the Social Sciences to the Public, Media, and Parliament

In January 2011, the Campaign for Social Science was launched in the House of Lords. One year on Cary Cooper, Chair of the Academy of Social Sciences, spoke to socialsciencespace about the first year of the campaign and its plans for the future.

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Social Science is Changing how to view Policing

Social Science is Changing how to view Policing

Social Science research is changing our understanding of the police and policing. This is raising fundamental questions about how police officers are recruited, trained and organised

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Social Science in an Emergency: An Interview with Andrew Miller MP

Social Science in an Emergency: An Interview with Andrew Miller MP

In 2011 the Science and Technology Select Committee published the report Scientific advice and evidence in emergencies, examining the role of science […]

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Social scientists’ role in strengthening trust in scientific evidence

Social scientists’ role in strengthening trust in scientific evidence

Originally posted to the SAGE Connection blog Last week was the ESRC’s annual festival of social science. This is the third year […]

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