Political Science

Award Recipient Promotes Archives-Centered Educational Opportunities
June 25, 2021

Award Recipient Promotes Archives-Centered Educational Opportunities

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Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No
April 2, 2021

Can Civics Education Boost Youth Voting? Research Suggests No

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Jim Scott on Resistance
Social Science Bites
April 1, 2021

Jim Scott on Resistance

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What a Chastened Discipline Can Teach All of Social Science About Open Science
March 24, 2021

What a Chastened Discipline Can Teach All of Social Science About Open Science

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Video: Reconsidering Congress: Where Do We Go from Here?

Video: Reconsidering Congress: Where Do We Go from Here?

In this 30-minute video, C. Lawrence Evans, the Newton Family Professor of Government at Virginia’s William & Mary University, discusses the current complexion of the United States Congress during a particularly tumultuous time.

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Need a Quick Primer on Impeachment or Executive Power? Free Chapters from ‘Congress Reconsidered’

Need a Quick Primer on Impeachment or Executive Power? Free Chapters from ‘Congress Reconsidered’

The opening days of the administration of Joe Biden as U.S. president have continued two themes of the last administration: using impeachment […]

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After the US Capitol Attack, Wondering How the 25th Amendment Works?

After the US Capitol Attack, Wondering How the 25th Amendment Works?

A day after President Donald Trump incited supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol, Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer called on Vice President Mike Pence […]

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‘Once You Engage in Political Violence, It Becomes Easier to Do It Again’

‘Once You Engage in Political Violence, It Becomes Easier to Do It Again’

The Conversation asked Ore Koren, even as what some are calling an insurrection unfolded at the U.S. Capitol, to ask him for some perspective on the event.

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Return Political Science to the Noble Science of Politics

Return Political Science to the Noble Science of Politics

As the ‘impact agenda’ weighs ever more on political scientists (and the academy as a whole), ). this should be seen less a threat to autonomy than an opportunity to rise to political science’s inherent public responsibilities.

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Beyond Plurality: Ideas for Replacing U.S. Electoral College

Beyond Plurality: Ideas for Replacing U.S. Electoral College

Political scientist Joshua Holzer identifies a number of proven electoral strategies used elsewhere that could replace the United States’ Electoral College.

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Blessed are the Trusting, For They Are More Likely to Vote

Blessed are the Trusting, For They Are More Likely to Vote

Whomever they vote for, says Cary Wu, Americans who are trusting are more likely to have either cast their ballots already or will on election day than Americans who do not trust easily.

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Festival of Social Science Features Launch of New Robert Putnam Book

Festival of Social Science Features Launch of New Robert Putnam Book

Political scientist Robert Putnam, whose book Bowling Alone achieved a popular and policy prominence that most social scientists can only dream of, will discuss his latest book, The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again, co-written by Shaylyn Romney Garrett, in a virtual launch on November 5.

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