Unpacking Impact 
August 4, 2022

Unpacking Impact 

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On Measuring What We Value 
July 7, 2022

On Measuring What We Value 

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The $20 Blender Dilemma: How Different Data Can Create the Perfect Mix  
June 23, 2022

The $20 Blender Dilemma: How Different Data Can Create the Perfect Mix  

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Enhancing the Role of Local Input for Measuring Value
June 9, 2022

Enhancing the Role of Local Input for Measuring Value

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Impact ≠ Impact ≠ Impact 

Impact ≠ Impact ≠ Impact 

In this second response to Ziyad Marar’s thought piece “On Measuring Social Science Impact” from Organizational Studies, Anne-Wil Harzing, professor of international management and staff development lead at Middlesex University Business School, sets the stage for further discussion by defining impact in terms of progressing scientific knowledge, developing critical thinking, and addressing societal problems. 

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Impact: Who Decides? 

Impact: Who Decides? 

In this first response to Ziyad Marar’s thought piece “On Measuring Social Science Impact,” professor Sue Fletcher-Watson, who represents a field where the direct purpose is to improve the quality of life for a group of individuals, shares why current metrics fall short and what we can do about it.

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On Measuring Social Science Impact: An Excerpt and Responses

On Measuring Social Science Impact: An Excerpt and Responses

On Measuring Social Science Impact: An Excerpt and Responses The following essay by Ziyad Marar is adapted from “On Measuring Social Science […]

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