
‘Peer Community In’ for Preprints Offers a Model for Diamond Open Access
January 6, 2023

‘Peer Community In’ for Preprints Offers a Model for Diamond Open Access

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Introducing The Publish Your Reviews Initiative for Preprints
July 19, 2022

Introducing The Publish Your Reviews Initiative for Preprints

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The Role and Impact of Preprints in Open Access Publishing
February 28, 2022

The Role and Impact of Preprints in Open Access Publishing

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The Pandemic Has Been a Proving Ground for Preprints
April 29, 2021

The Pandemic Has Been a Proving Ground for Preprints

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Fixing Peer Review, a Biologist’s View

Fixing Peer Review, a Biologist’s View

Peer review clearly isn’t perfect, but rather than simply bypassing it and releasing even more information into an overloaded system, we should focus on making it better, says this life sciences editor. The first step is to reset and clearly state our standards for quality in both publishing and peer reviewing.

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