Publication Concerns

Reversing Academe’s Sometimes Perverse Incentives
September 29, 2015

Reversing Academe’s Sometimes Perverse Incentives

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Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing
August 4, 2015

Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing

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Lessons from the LaCour Retraction
June 17, 2015

Lessons from the LaCour Retraction

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Shine a Light on Academic Journals’ Dark Arts
February 10, 2015

Shine a Light on Academic Journals’ Dark Arts

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The Digital Scholar: Reference Rot and Link Decorations

The Digital Scholar: Reference Rot and Link Decorations

You have written a paper and linked to your literature and resources. All is good, except that many of those links that are tied to permanent identifiers may fade away over time — a significant problem for scholarly purposes. Martin Klein and Herbert Van de Sompel explore ways to mitigate this problem through more systematic web archiving practices and link decoration techniques.

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A Primer on Plagiarism and Other Publishing Sins

A Primer on Plagiarism and Other Publishing Sins

High-quality scientific literature is the cornerstone of scientific progress and is highly regarded by academia. However, Ritesh G. Menezes and his colleagues write in the Medico-Legal Journal, scientific literature is often marred by plagiarism, data fabrication and falsification, redundant publication and illegitimate authorship.

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Publication Ethics and Biomedical Imperialism

Publication Ethics and Biomedical Imperialism

Applying ethics to social science research can raise as many issues as it answers. A new set of guidelines on which Robert DIngwall consulted gives clarity in some cases like manipulation of images and duplicate publication but leaves some other controversies unsettled.

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