Impact ≠ Impact ≠ Impact 
May 26, 2022

Impact ≠ Impact ≠ Impact 

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When Talking Broader Impact, Which Websites Do We Value?
February 14, 2022

When Talking Broader Impact, Which Websites Do We Value?

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Impact Looks Different Across Disciplines So Let’s Acknowledge That
May 4, 2021

Impact Looks Different Across Disciplines So Let’s Acknowledge That

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Gender Plays a Role in Research Impact and Assessment
April 30, 2020

Gender Plays a Role in Research Impact and Assessment

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At a Glance: The UK’s Twin-track Approach to Measuring Impact

At a Glance: The UK’s Twin-track Approach to Measuring Impact

In his second article in a series on impact, Louis Coiffait looks at how REF and KEF treat impact in the UK.

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The A to Z: Tips for Writing an Impact Case Study

The A to Z: Tips for Writing an Impact Case Study

With submission to REF 2021 now less than two years away, university staff and academics are stepping up work to present their best examples of research impact. Sally Brown has compiled this useful A to Z to form compelling impact case studies.

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How Social Media Was Cited in Impact Case Studies?

How Social Media Was Cited in Impact Case Studies?

In their previous Impact Blog post, Katy Jordan and Mark Carrigan considered whether institutions have invested too much hope in social media as a solution to the problem of demonstrating research impact. Here they report on research analyzing how social media was cited in impact case studies submitted to the UK’s REF 2014.

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UK HE: Markets Are Good for Everyone – Except Academics….

UK HE: Markets Are Good for Everyone – Except Academics….

So if markets are truly good for English higher education, as many seem to think, should we follow that train of thought to its logical conclusions?

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Stern Review: The REF and the Damage Done

Stern Review: The REF and the Damage Done

The new report of the REF from Lord Stern hopefully may shift the spotlight away from individual researchers themselves and onto the organizational practice of their universities, argues Richard Watermeyer.

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The Stern Review of the REF – An Economist Against Markets!

The Stern Review of the REF – An Economist Against Markets!

In an effort to prevent ‘gaming’ the REF, new recommendation from Lord Stern cuts down on the freedom of academics to move from institution as they see fit. Is the cure worse than the disease?

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The UK’s HE Landscape in the Wake of ‘Knowledge Economy’

The UK’s HE Landscape in the Wake of ‘Knowledge Economy’

The new government report ‘Succeeding as a Knowledge Economy’ takes forward most of the ideas about improving teaching at Britain institutions of higher education already found in a green paper published in November 2015. So what does this new report tell us about the future?

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REF 2014: Discipline Mattered in How Impact Calculated

REF 2014: Discipline Mattered in How Impact Calculated

A new report produced by the Digital Science team explores the types of evidence used to demonstrate impact in REF2014 and pulls together guidance from leading professionals on good practice.

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