Research ethics

Hype Terms In Research: Words Exaggerating Results Undermine Findings
Research Ethics
June 23, 2023

Hype Terms In Research: Words Exaggerating Results Undermine Findings

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Helen Kara Calls for Doing Research As If Our Human Participants Mattered
August 3, 2022

Helen Kara Calls for Doing Research As If Our Human Participants Mattered

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Should We Mandate a Course in Ethics for All Research-Based PhD Candidates?
June 11, 2021

Should We Mandate a Course in Ethics for All Research-Based PhD Candidates?

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Webinar: Research Ethics in Practice
February 16, 2021

Webinar: Research Ethics in Practice

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Eysenck Case Shows Need for Independent Research Integrity Ombudsperson

Eysenck Case Shows Need for Independent Research Integrity Ombudsperson

The Journal of Health Psychology has led the charge into reviewing the published work of the late Hans Eysenck, and the editor of that journal, David F. Marks, and historian of psychology Roderick D. Buchanan, note the detritus of a Kings College London inquiry — 61 retractions for Eysenck’s work so far — and argue the case spotlights the need for a new body to ensure future research integrity.

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Fudged Research Results Erode People’s Trust in Experts

Fudged Research Results Erode People’s Trust in Experts

A database of retractions shows hundreds of academic articles with Australian authors have been withdrawn. Research misconduct threatens to corrode trust in academic qualifications and publications.

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The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

What duty do social scientists have to report illegal activity that they witness as part of their fieldwork? If you answered quickly, you may not have thought about the issue all that deeply.

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Archived Webinar: Teaching Ethics in Research Methods

Archived Webinar: Teaching Ethics in Research Methods

Sage 3708 Research

 Author of SAGE textbook “Introduction to Educational Research,” and TEDx lecturer Dr. Craig A. Mertler draws on his 32 years of […]

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Common Rule Reform – A Botched Job

Common Rule Reform – A Botched Job

The rush to publish a revised Common Rule for federally funded human research in the United States has created a flawed regulatory regime, says Robert Dingwall., Time to tear the whole edifice down and start over, he suggests.

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The Challenge of Regulating Research to Avoid Fraud

The Challenge of Regulating Research to Avoid Fraud

The more brazen the willingness to commit academic fraud, the harder it becomes to prevent, suggests Ian Freckelton. So while there is a role for codes of conduct or even criminal courts, finding ways to push temptation to deceive even further out of mind will likeley prove even more successful.

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Publication Ethics and Biomedical Imperialism

Publication Ethics and Biomedical Imperialism

Applying ethics to social science research can raise as many issues as it answers. A new set of guidelines on which Robert DIngwall consulted gives clarity in some cases like manipulation of images and duplicate publication but leaves some other controversies unsettled.

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Made it!

Made it!

An uncanny number of psychology findings manage to scrape into statistical significance

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