Sense about Science

Nominations Open For 2023 John Maddox Prize for Promoting Evidence-Based research
March 10, 2023

Nominations Open For 2023 John Maddox Prize for Promoting Evidence-Based research

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Evidence Week: My Journey to the UK Parliament
October 7, 2019

Evidence Week: My Journey to the UK Parliament

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New Report Packages Themes from Evidence Week
November 12, 2018

New Report Packages Themes from Evidence Week

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Outlining the Many Beneficiaries of Evidence Week
Public Policy
June 23, 2018

Outlining the Many Beneficiaries of Evidence Week

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Building a Foundation on Solid Evidence

Building a Foundation on Solid Evidence

Ziyad Marar, the president of global publishing for SAGE, explains how SAGE’s values and its mission “to build bridges to knowledge” overlap with the intent of the United Kingdom’s Evidence Week, which takes place later this June.

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Facing Ugly Truths: A Sense About Science Lecture

Facing Ugly Truths: A Sense About Science Lecture

Sense About Science’s Tracey Browne last week delivered ‘The Ugly Truth’ – an examination of “the need to encourage accountability and support scrutiny over research” to an audience of academics, researchers, policymakers and learned societies.

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Sense About Science On the Value of Peer Review

Sense About Science On the Value of Peer Review

Peer Review Week begins today, a week to explore the role of peer review in addressing academic quality and rigor. Here, Sense About Science details why it feels it’s important to explain peer review to the wider world.

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Making Sense of Screening: Public Expectations About Screening Still Don’t Match What Screening Programmes Can Deliver 

Making Sense of Screening: Public Expectations About Screening Still Don’t Match What Screening Programmes Can Deliver 

Misconceptions about how screening works, its limitations and possible harms are still being perpetuated by media stories and high profile cases, such […]

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The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport

The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport

Having run the gantlet of online abuse and legal threats for their troubles, two top-notch science communicators have won this year’s John Maddox Prize for the their evidence-based good work and dedication in the face of adversity.

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Start Making Sense: Sense About Science Coming to US

Start Making Sense: Sense About Science Coming to US

The British-based nonprofit that helps the public understand the barrage of research data encountered routinely is starting a similar effort in the United States.

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Diets on the Internet: You Might as Well Make Them Up

Diets on the Internet: You Might as Well Make Them Up

Contradictory diet advice is everywhere – Katy Perry’s acupunctured fish, Matthew McConaughey and the caveman diet, Gwyneth Paltrow’s macrobiotic meals. It seems […]

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Peer Review and You: Dispatch from a Young Researcher

Peer Review and You: Dispatch from a Young Researcher

A young researcher offers her take on the peer review after attending a Sense About Science session on the subject.

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