Social Media

On the Ethics of Facebook – and Drawing the Right Conclusions
July 16, 2014

On the Ethics of Facebook – and Drawing the Right Conclusions

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Tweeting Academics Weigh In on Social Media
June 25, 2014

Tweeting Academics Weigh In on Social Media

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Can Poetry Benefit Business Students?
June 19, 2014

Can Poetry Benefit Business Students?

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Recruiters Beware: Facebook Information May Not Predict Future Performance
Business and Management INK
May 9, 2014

Recruiters Beware: Facebook Information May Not Predict Future Performance

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10 Takeaways on the Academy’s Digital Trust Issues

10 Takeaways on the Academy’s Digital Trust Issues

A just-released project asking if the digital tsunami is leaving trust in scholarly communication all wet found that the academy still runs to traditional means to determine reliability.

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How Does False Information Spread Online?

How Does False Information Spread Online?

There’s lots and lots (and lots) of information pumping through the internet. This, argues Farida Vis, makes it doubly important to verify what’s out there and then determine how to deal with the patently false.

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6 Reasons Why Researchers (of Any Age) Should Get Tweeting

6 Reasons Why Researchers (of Any Age) Should Get Tweeting

This post by SAGE’s Camille Gamboa first appeared at SAGE Connection under the title, “6 Reasons why researchers (of any age) should […]

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Are Awards a Double-Edged Sword?

Are Awards a Double-Edged Sword?

The Oscars have been awarded! But just how does winning an award affect the prizewinner? Not the way you would think according […]

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The Use (or Is It Abuse?) of Social Media in Social Science

The Use (or Is It Abuse?) of Social Media in Social Science

A new study of an admittedly small group suggests the public may be getting a little twitchy about the use of their personal messages for public investigation.

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How to Avoid That Fatal Social Media Faux Pas

How to Avoid That Fatal Social Media Faux Pas

University professors are not immune to epic fails when using social media. But the lesson learned isn’t to withdraw completely, argues Ereika Darics, but to know thine audience.

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The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

Social media and alternative ways of measuring academic impact are helping turn universities into giant newsrooms, argues Maxine Newlands. That’s not necessarily bad, and it may be inevitable.

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The Evaluation of Potential Employees through Social Media

The Evaluation of Potential Employees through Social Media

It’s not surprising that employers use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to gather more information about a potential employee, but […]

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