Social Science

Weekly Overview of Social Science News
December 13, 2012

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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Bridging Theory with Practice:Qualitative Research to Aid Fire & Rescue
December 10, 2012

Bridging Theory with Practice:Qualitative Research to Aid Fire & Rescue

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Sir Jimmy Savile’s Crimes
International Debate
November 20, 2012

Sir Jimmy Savile’s Crimes

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Web 2.0: Anarchy or Revolution?
November 19, 2012

Web 2.0: Anarchy or Revolution?

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Big Data: Benefit to Society, or Drowning in a Data Deluge?

Big Data: Benefit to Society, or Drowning in a Data Deluge?

With larger data sets offering researchers the potential to look at more subtle interactions, big data is becoming increasingly valuable to social sciences, yet challenges remain.

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Money Degrades Our Ability to Empathize

Money Degrades Our Ability to Empathize

New research finds that offering people money makes them less likely to correctly infer another person’s emotional state.

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ESRC Festival of Social Science, and the ‘Big Data’ Debate

ESRC Festival of Social Science, and the ‘Big Data’ Debate

This week is the ESRC’s Festival of Social Science, an event that takes place all over the UK where social scientists get […]

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Steven Pinker on Violence and Human Nature

Steven Pinker on Violence and Human Nature

Is the world getting less violent? It seems unlikely. But Steven Pinker has amassed empirical evidence to show that it is. In this interview with Nigel Warburton for the Social Science Bites podcast he explains some of the possible causes of this transformation.

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How to Improve Your CV and Get a Great Job

How to Improve Your CV and Get a Great Job

The unsettling truth about the Academic job market.

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“Social Scientists Need to Make a Stronger Case for Their Worth”

“Social Scientists Need to Make a Stronger Case for Their Worth”

Social scientists need to make a strong case for their worth inside and outside of academia.

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Campaign for Social Science Roadshows

Campaign for Social Science Roadshows

The Campaign for Social Science will hold its latest roadshows in the next few weeks.

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Health, Engineering, and National Security Experts laud Life-Saving Impact of Social Sciences

Health, Engineering, and National Security Experts laud Life-Saving Impact of Social Sciences

A group of scholars and experts who are not traditionally associated with the social sciences were found in one location discussing the important accomplishments of social and behavioral scientists.

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