Social Science

The Guardian’s Simon Jenkins is completely wrong.
Academic Funding
March 26, 2012

The Guardian’s Simon Jenkins is completely wrong.

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Working Moms: The Kids Are All Right
March 20, 2012

Working Moms: The Kids Are All Right

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Managing Expectations
March 19, 2012

Managing Expectations

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Social Science is Changing how to view Policing
March 16, 2012

Social Science is Changing how to view Policing

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Satan at work in the university…?

Satan at work in the university…?

How an unholy alliance of arrogant scientists and self-interested federal bureaucrats came to widen the net of ethical regulation intended to deal with abuses in medical research to empirical investigation in the humanities and social sciences.

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Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

This month we return to the final part of the digital professionalism series. What happens when your CV isn’t enough and can you be too honest?

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Help Black Children? Sure! Teens? Not So Much.

Help Black Children? Sure! Teens? Not So Much.

New research finds support for school projects differs according to the race and age of the recipients.

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Using Racism in the (International) Seminar Room

Using Racism in the (International) Seminar Room

Over the last ten years I have encountered a range of racist discourse in the teaching environment.The first often emanates from international students who inadvertently make inaccurate generalisations based on racial difference. The second is formed within the seminar room, and emanates from British students towards international students.

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My social science career: Interview with Mike Hogg

My social science career: Interview with Mike Hogg

As part of a series of occasional interviews with leading behavioral and social scientist Mike Hogg, Professor of Social Psychology at Claremont Graduate University, spoke to socialsciencespace about his career and influences in social science.

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Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

I find it ironic that interesting current debates about sociology’s Eurocentrism and calls for a more truly global sociology take place in journals and books that are likely to be inaccessible at many, many universities around the world.

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My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail

My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail

As part of a series of occasional interviews with leading social scientists, Denis McQuail talks to socialsciencespace about his career in social science and some of the changes that he has witnessed.

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Better Drowned than Duffers…?

Better Drowned than Duffers…?

Last Saturday, I went to the theatre to a see a touring production based on Arthur Ransome’s novel, Swallows and Amazons…. it prompted a number of thoughts about risk and risk management in the contemporary world.

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