
Too Many ‘Gray Areas’ In Workplace Culture Fosters Racism And Discrimination
October 31, 2023

Too Many ‘Gray Areas’ In Workplace Culture Fosters Racism And Discrimination

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Berggruen Philosophy Prize Awarded to Sociologist Patricia Hill Collins
October 24, 2023

Berggruen Philosophy Prize Awarded to Sociologist Patricia Hill Collins

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You Can Merge Two Goals: A Talk with Scholar-Activist Gregory Squires
July 31, 2023

You Can Merge Two Goals: A Talk with Scholar-Activist Gregory Squires

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Aporophobia: Why People Reject The Poor
May 15, 2023

Aporophobia: Why People Reject The Poor

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Misunderstanding Markets – the Failure of UK Economic Policy

Misunderstanding Markets – the Failure of UK Economic Policy

Have sociologists better understood some of Adam Smith’s cautions than have economists?

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Bruno Latour, 1947-2022: France’s Least Understood Philosopher

Bruno Latour, 1947-2022: France’s Least Understood Philosopher

Bruno Latour, “France’s most famous and least understood philosopher,” died of pancreatic cancer in Paris on October 9, 2022. He was 75.

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The Journal Citation Reports 2022 Are Out. What Do They Mean for Sociology?

The Journal Citation Reports 2022 Are Out. What Do They Mean for Sociology?

One way or another, the Journal Citation Reports today play an outsized role in determining whose careers thrive and whose careers whither and which journals flourish or fade away.

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King Canute and the Cult of Zero Infection

King Canute and the Cult of Zero Infection

The humility of King Canute in the face of nature is worth recalling as a check on the enthusiasm for zero-infection. It is a fine-sounding slogan but do we really want to live in a society where everything else is sacrificed to this goal?

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As a Black Sociologist and a Mom, What I’ve Learned Listening to Other Black Moms During Pandemic

As a Black Sociologist and a Mom, What I’ve Learned Listening to Other Black Moms During Pandemic

Loren Henderson describes her work with BarBara Scott as part of a small body of descriptive research, mostly by researchers of color, countering negativity and victim-blaming in earlier studies of Black families.

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Teaching Sociology in India During the Time of Covid-19

Teaching Sociology in India During the Time of Covid-19

The COVID pandemic has affected teaching in India as it has everywhere. Applying a sociological lens to the Indian experience of teaching sociology itself is instructive.

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An Open Letter to Sociology Faculty

An Open Letter to Sociology Faculty

Sociology faculty, we need your help. Sociologists are needed in and outside of the academy. Those of us in the industry have been providing mentorship but we can not keep up with the growth in interest.

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Jennifer Lee on Asian Americans

Jennifer Lee on Asian Americans

The twin prods of a U.S. president trying to rebrand the coronavirus as the ‘China virus’ and a bloody attack in Atlanta that left six Asian women dead have brought to the fore a spate of questions about Asian Americans in the United States.
Sociologist Jennifer Lee is answering those questions.

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