
Suffragette – More than a Feminist Movie
International Debate
October 26, 2015

Suffragette – More than a Feminist Movie

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Steven Lukes on Durkheim
May 19, 2015

Steven Lukes on Durkheim

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Campaigning for Social Science: Public Sociology and ‘Public Sociologists’
Higher Education Reform
March 29, 2015

Campaigning for Social Science: Public Sociology and ‘Public Sociologists’

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John Brewer on C. Wright Mills
March 24, 2015

John Brewer on C. Wright Mills

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Debating the Legacy of Ulrich Beck

Debating the Legacy of Ulrich Beck

Amid the encomiums and eulogies surrounding the late German sociologist Ulrich Beck, Robert Dingwall asks how far Beck’s body of published work represents a model that other sociologists should seek to follow

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Ebola: The Human Cost of Neglecting the Social Sciences

Ebola: The Human Cost of Neglecting the Social Sciences

There is a genuine cost from ignoring lessons from social science in the fight against Ebola. What’s even sadder — these lessons were taught in blood three decades ago in the fights against AIDS. Are we ready for the next malady?

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Is Doctor Who a Sociologist?

Is Doctor Who a Sociologist?

Doctor Who’s sobriquet implies he’s earned a doctorate in something. The Doctor’s not telling what he might have studied, but his actions and attitudes make a strong case for one discipline …

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What Do Sociology Students Read?

What Do Sociology Students Read?

Just as scholarship now is more and more about the generation of economic benefits, for many studying is now less about ‘reading for a degree’ than about ‘getting a degree,’ suggests Daniel Nehring.

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Book Review: What Use is Sociology?

Book Review: What Use is Sociology?

This conversational book with Zygmunt Bauman looks at the usefulness of sociology with an aim to inspire future conversations about the discipline.

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Facebook and Uncritical Contemporary Culture

Facebook and Uncritical Contemporary Culture

There they sit, giving the ‘thumbs-up’ to our lives, affirming that all is okay in our world. The ubiquitous “like” button, the […]

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Universities for the Post-Democratic Age

Universities for the Post-Democratic Age

Critical scholarship and intellectual dissent are currently being closed down in favour of a model of academic life that accords scholars a limited role as purveyors of practically useful skills in ‘real-world’ labour markets.

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The War We Are (Regrettably) Not Fighting

The War We Are (Regrettably) Not Fighting

The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences recognizes William Julius Wilson for his work on race, stratification, and disadvantage in the U.S.

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