structural equation modeling

Measuring and Modeling the Unobservable
Business and Management INK
February 10, 2020

Measuring and Modeling the Unobservable

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Marcia Simmering on the Detection of Common Method Variance
Business and Management INK
July 6, 2015

Marcia Simmering on the Detection of Common Method Variance

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Are Consumers More Likely to Buy Green Products?
Business and Management INK
July 25, 2014

Are Consumers More Likely to Buy Green Products?

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Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS
Business and Management INK
May 23, 2014

Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS

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Do Celebrities Influence Our Vacation Destinations?

Do Celebrities Influence Our Vacation Destinations?

During the winter doldrums, it’s easy to find yourself daydreaming about where you’d like to escape for vacation. But as you start […]

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Not a Silver Bullet: PLS and Management Research

Not a Silver Bullet: PLS and Management Research

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Mikko Rönkkö of Aalto University and Joerg Evermann of Memorial University of Newfoundland, whose paper […]

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How Can Significance Tests Be Deinstitutionalized?

How Can Significance Tests Be Deinstitutionalized?

Marc Orlitzky, Penn State University, published “How Can Significance Tests Be Deinstitutionalized?” on December 12th, 2011 in Organizational Research Methods. To read other […]

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A Direct Comparison Approach for Testing Measurement Invariance

A Direct Comparison Approach for Testing Measurement Invariance

Gordon W. Cheung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Rebecca S. Lau, The Open University of Hong Kong, published “A Direct Comparison Approach […]

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